View Full Version : DVR XP and a blind man

Chip Nasworthy
01-28-2013, 11:28 PM
I found a nova DVR XP for sale Friday . My wife and I went this week end to pick it up drove a long way To get it.I sure hope it will be worth the time and money.I also met the most impressive man! He was amazing ! He is a blind wood turner while I was there he showed me the lathe by turning on a walnut bowl about 12 in. across . He sold this because he brought powermatis lathe and he but it together by his self .He also has a web site were he sales his bowls on line.

Billy Tallant
01-29-2013, 12:14 AM

You will definately enjoy that DVR XP. I bought the Nova DVR 3000 used & had to drive a good distance also. Well worth the drive. That blind man does sound interesting.

Ricc Havens
01-29-2013, 10:44 AM
Would you happen to know his website? I am legally blind (I have only center vision and will go completely blind some day) so I would be interested to see his work.


Chip Nasworthy
01-29-2013, 12:52 PM
I did not know if I was aloud to post his web site . but his web site is turningblind.com

mark ravensdale
01-29-2013, 12:59 PM
Chip, you will most probably love your new lathe, I've had mine for 2-3 year and the only way I would swop it is if someone offered me a VB36 (for free!!!)
they are super smooth, got bags of power and torque and there is no belts to replace, I love mine, I've turned everything from pens right up to 27inch by 8inch bowls, there is only one thing I would recommend you do and that is bolt it down to concrete and/or use plenty of ballast, sand or pea gravel work really well (I have 600lbs on mine)
Ohh did I mention how quite they are!!!
i only have a very small workshop and the dvrxp fit in it perfectly !

Good luck and get that wood spinning!!!!!