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View Full Version : Daughter's first joint...

Scott M Perry
01-28-2013, 8:08 PM
Hi, all -

My daughter and I are doing some basic woodworking together. She's very interested; we picked one of PWW's "I Can Do That" projects, a Shaker carry box, tray kinda thing. Planed some pine to 1/2", milled all the pieces.

Tonight, 36 degree garage be damned, we cut some joints. Bought a home center ryoba today, figuring a draw cut would be easier for her to control and start. And it's hers, and she's proud.

Clamped up the work in the vise, and with a little help, she was off. They're lap joints, which will be pinned with 3/16" dowels.



A few clamps draw the joints closed.


They're not perfect, but they're a far sight better than the first joints I cut by hand:


We're having a great time, she's very proud of what she's doing, and I'm finding it very inspiring personally. Making me really want to spend time in the shop.

Thanks for looking,

Charlie Watson
01-28-2013, 8:19 PM
Congratulations! They grow up way to fast but you are making memories that you both will remember fondly. The smile on your daughters face says it all and good for you for being such a great dad. AWESOME! My daughter is 25 now but will always be my little princess and she just wraps me around her little finger!

Tom Winship
01-28-2013, 8:30 PM
This world needs more Daddy's like you. +1 on the smile telling it all. Congratulations.
The best compliment my grandson has ever paid me was when I asked him why he didn't take shop class in 7th grade. He said "I figured if I need to know anything about that, I will come to you." (Maybe a lazy approach but I took it as a compliment).

Joe Mioux
01-28-2013, 8:45 PM
My daughter, Jennifer used to love to use my chisels. She also liked turning. Now she is a junior in hs, and has other interests.

enjoy you time with your daughter

David Dalzell
01-28-2013, 8:48 PM
How proud you must feel. A daughter who loves her papa and wants to do what he does. No better feeling.

Scott M Perry
01-29-2013, 9:27 AM
Thanks, everyone! I'm very proud of her - she's taking to woodworking very naturally, always asks to work, and we have a lot of fun planning and doing. While I was laying out joints (which I'll start teaching her on later projects), she was playing with a spokeshave to round an offcut. She really enjoys using that spokeshave...

Thanks again,

Bill Houghton
01-29-2013, 11:05 AM
Another kid gets introduced to wood. What a joyful moment, for her, for you, and for all of us here.

Megan Fitzpatrick
01-29-2013, 4:43 PM
Hi, all -

My daughter and I are doing some basic woodworking together. She's very interested; we picked one of PWW's "I Can Do That" projects, a Shaker carry box, tray kinda thing. Planed some pine to 1/2", milled all the pieces....
We're having a great time, she's very proud of what she's doing, and I'm finding it very inspiring personally. Making me really want to spend time in the shop.

Thanks for looking,

Thanks for sharing this.

Stew Hagerty
01-29-2013, 5:13 PM
Way to go Scott's daughter, and way to go Scott. New blood is what keeps the craft alive. I've been trying teach my nephew whenever he has time between soccer practices. He's coming along. He cut his first dovetail joints this past summer and, like you said, they looked a whole lot better than my first ones.