View Full Version : How about a D/C forum?

Troy Turner
01-28-2013, 11:25 AM
This may have been asked before, but I can't find the answer, so I'll ask :)

I know we can post d/c questions in the work shop thread, but is there a way to just have it's own forum or maybe a sub-forum to here?

There is a ton of info on here about d/c and I think it might be good to harness it all together.

It's just a thought though.

David Helm
01-28-2013, 12:58 PM
Seems to me that the workshop forum is primarily a dust collection forum.

Steve Rozmiarek
01-28-2013, 8:55 PM
I think those sub forums are where ideas go to die. Seems like there is never anybody in them. We'd loose the guys who are currently setting thread length records about that magazine comparison for good too. I think they might be missed on the rest of the subjects!

Ryan Baker
01-28-2013, 9:05 PM
Uh oh. Here we go again. These 'new forum' threads never go well...

I'd have to agree with David. Other than a half dozen threads about new shop builds, about three threads on lighting, and a few threads with wiring questions, this is a forum about dust collection. I really don't see any need to divide it.

Lee Schierer
01-29-2013, 9:27 AM
Isn't dust collection a part of any work shop whether you use a DC or just a broom and dust pan?