View Full Version : Another of the old bowls

Curt Fuller
01-28-2013, 12:15 AM
This is another of the 40 or so year old roughed bowls I was given. This one is Siberian Elm, 11" x 3", one coat of AO and wiped down. These bowls don't take long at all when someone else does the roughing and drying. I took a pic of the bottom of this one to show the screw holes. Elm has a lot of those little birdseye dark knot spots so the screw holes kind of blend in with them. Another turner would spot then right off but other people might not even notice them.


Ted Calver
01-28-2013, 12:21 AM
That's a nice one too, Curt. Does that dry wood beat you up much?

charlie knighton
01-28-2013, 9:09 AM
pretty stuff, Curt

Harry Robinette
01-28-2013, 4:49 PM
Somewhere I have a bowl that is about the same age from my Great Uncle,he put a 1/4" piece of Maple on the bottom to cover the holes the bowl is cherry.It's a shame he finely got a chuck 3 days before he past away. But he did allot of beautiful work before he went.

Don McLeod
01-28-2013, 8:01 PM
Nice looking work

Bernie Weishapl
01-28-2013, 9:17 PM
Really nice bowl Curt. Love the wood.

Kathy Marshall
01-28-2013, 9:24 PM
Good looking bowl and pretty wood Curt!

Thomas Canfield
01-28-2013, 9:55 PM

The screw holes only add to the story. Nice looking. Did the old wood soak up a lot more DO? Are you planning on more coats to level out the sheen? What method are you using to remount the old rough turn bowls or are there still some blocks on bottom or enough thickness for tenon/recess?

James Roberts
01-28-2013, 10:45 PM
Curt, very nice. The original turner had an eye for nice wood. You have certainly found a diamond in that rough.

Curt Fuller
01-28-2013, 10:51 PM

The screw holes only add to the story. Nice looking. Did the old wood soak up a lot more DO? Are you planning on more coats to level out the sheen? What method are you using to remount the old rough turn bowls or are there still some blocks on bottom or enough thickness for tenon/recess?
Thanks everyone.
This bowl did seem to soak up quite a bit of oil. I'm pretty sure it's the driest wood I've ever turned. But I tend to like my bowls with a 'wood' feel and usually only use one coat of finish. As for remounting, the roughed bowl was about an inch thick. I just marked the center of the bottom as close as I could and reverse mounted it between a curved friction type mount and the tailstock. Then I turned a 2.5" wide recess about 1/4" deep. I then mounted it with the standard #2 jaws on a talon chuck in expansion to do all the turning except the foot. I reversed it again to finish the foot.