View Full Version : Box Elder

Thomas Heck
01-25-2013, 7:19 PM
This one is about 12 in. round and 4 in. deep. It wasn't completely dry when I finished it. I think I'm going to have to try to work on it somemore when it finishes drying. Just not sure what to do. Thought about buffing.

Jamie Donaldson
01-25-2013, 7:27 PM
This is a perfect candidate to nuke gradually in the microwave. That will reduce most of the potential movement, but I am not sure from your description if it already has finish on it? If so, skip the micro and put it in a paper bag until dry.

Steve Doerr
01-25-2013, 7:42 PM
I think it looks great. I tend to do an oil dip, let dry and the buff. But, I know there are some people that like an unfinished bowl. Either way it will be great.

Thomas Heck
01-25-2013, 8:30 PM
I applied dr. wax bowl finish while on the lathe. It felt smooth. But, now it doesn't feel the same.

Bernie Weishapl
01-25-2013, 9:12 PM
Great looking bowl Thomas. Generally I do like Steve D. and do a oil soak when done. They generally don't move much.

Thomas what doesn't feel the same about it?

Thomas Heck
01-25-2013, 9:18 PM
In places it feels like there is a little grain raised, but you can't notice it the eye. Instead of your fingers gliding over it, you can feel the wood kind of slow you down. If that makes sense.

Fred Perreault
01-25-2013, 9:34 PM
Yep, sounds like raised grain. When it dries out more just touch it up with some finer grit paper, it will look and feel better.

Thomas Heck
01-26-2013, 9:22 AM
Thanks for the reply Fred. I'll give a little more time and try to touch it up.