View Full Version : Going Bionic

Reed Gray
01-23-2013, 11:55 PM
Well, tomorrow morning, I am going in to get two new hips. Hey Doc, can we do them both at the same time? In your case, I would recommend it. I have been swimming about 5 miles a week for the last couple of years and doing Thai Chi. Should be a breeze. I should be totally back on my feet in time to go to Tampa. Can't wait. I will check back in Friday or Saturday and let you all know how it went. They operate on you in the morning, and you are up on your feet in the afternoon.

robo hippy

Ken Fitzgerald
01-24-2013, 12:07 AM
Here's wishing you a successful surgery and an easy recovery Reed!

My Mom's husband had one replaced last Wednesday. He was walking the next day.

Ron Radliff
01-24-2013, 12:08 AM
Here's hoping for a sucessful surgery and speedy recovery.

Ralph Lindberg
01-24-2013, 12:15 AM
I wish I had recalled your surgery was coming up when you called today I would have wished you well in your surgery.

I will think of you as I go through Long Form tomorrow :rolleyes:

Eric Gourieux
01-24-2013, 12:20 AM
Reed, I hope your surgery goes well and that you have a speedy recovery

Alan Trout
01-24-2013, 12:41 AM

You have a great attitude and I am glad your are getting your hips done. I am sure it will not be very comfortable but It should make everything much better in the long run. Keep us up to date and my thoughts are with you on a speedy recovery.


Bernie Weishapl
01-24-2013, 12:46 AM
Reed here is hoping all goes well. With the swimming and all that should make is easy for you. Let us know how it goes. Will be thinking of you.

Doug Herzberg
01-24-2013, 6:29 AM
Hope all goes well and we see you back here soon.

Thom Sturgill
01-24-2013, 8:07 AM
Good luck on the surgery and may the recovery be quick. From what i know of joint replacement, flexing the joint is important and you will probably need help with therapy for a while.

Steve Schlumpf
01-24-2013, 8:09 AM
Reed - hope all goes well and you recover quickly and completely!! I will be thinking of you! Let us know how things went - as soon as you can! Be well!

Joe Kieve
01-24-2013, 8:09 AM
Reed...best of luck with your surgery. Will pray that all goes well.

David Gilbert
01-24-2013, 8:13 AM
I hope that all goes well with your surgery and that you have a speedy recovery!

Bob Bergstrom
01-24-2013, 8:37 AM
If you have both hips done you'll be able to keep you pants up with a couple good strong earth magnets LOL. Wishing you a quick recovery.

charlie knighton
01-24-2013, 8:38 AM
wishing you well, amazing the times we live in, i like your goal setting, hoping to see you in tampa

Steve Doerr
01-24-2013, 9:40 AM
Reed, good luck with the surgery and hope you have a speedy recovery. We will keep you, your doctor and the rest of the operating team in our prayers. Keep us posted.

Roger Chandler
01-24-2013, 9:52 AM
Prayers and best wishes for a speedy recovery!

Ricc Havens
01-24-2013, 10:10 AM
Good Luck! Hope the recovery is quick for you!! let me know how it goes as the Ortho Doc told me I needed to replace the right hip someday. It was up to me how long I wanted to deal with the pain before I got it replaced.


Doug W Swanson
01-24-2013, 10:15 AM
Hope all goes well. Have a speedy recovery!

George Bokros
01-24-2013, 10:20 AM
Hope surgery is successful and your recover is quick and smooth.


Josh Bowman
01-24-2013, 10:24 AM
Reed, Praying for a speedy recovery.

Ted Calver
01-24-2013, 10:38 AM
Hope it goes well and you are back up and going strong soon.

Justin Stephen
01-24-2013, 11:03 AM
Sounds like robo hippy will be a little extra robo from now on. Best of luck and get well soon.

Bill Dempsey
01-24-2013, 11:19 AM
Best wishes for speedy recovery. I had my left hip replaced in 2009, interesting experience. I should have done it years earlier, no need to put up with the pain. My best takaway was to do the perscribed exercises fully and as often as you can handle. Exercise is your best friend in the recovery process. PM me if I can help further.

Greg Ketell
01-24-2013, 11:39 AM
Good luck, Reed! I hope you heal really fast.

Prashun Patel
01-24-2013, 11:42 AM
Good Luck, Reed!

Chris Studley
01-24-2013, 11:45 AM
Good Luck,

Any "robo" hippy should have a few metal parts at least...

John Beaver
01-24-2013, 12:07 PM
Robo Hippy meets RoboCop.
Good luck Reed.

Ryan Mooney
01-24-2013, 12:22 PM
Good luck Reed.

Both my dad and grandma have had hips replaced. Both were wishing they had done it earlier. Here's hoping you'rs goes as well.

Mike Cruz
01-24-2013, 12:54 PM
Best of luck with your recovery, RH.

Victor Robinson
01-24-2013, 2:34 PM
Good luck and heal quick!

Noah Barfield
01-24-2013, 2:56 PM
I hope everything goes smoothly and that you heal quickly! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HofoK_QQxGc While they're in there, maybe they could add some cool wood-turning enhancements--like a retractable tool rest that comes out your belly button. :)

ray hampton
01-24-2013, 3:03 PM
good luck, one good luck are too short so another good luck

john davey
01-24-2013, 3:04 PM
Good luck from a fellow bionic man. Knee for me. Physical therapy is very important to the recovery time. It's not fun but just do it. You will be glad you did.

Richard Madden
01-24-2013, 5:44 PM
Hope all goes well with the surgery, and recovery will be quick and complete. Keep in touch.

Cheryl A. Prince
01-24-2013, 7:33 PM
Best wishes Mr Hippy! I agree with John Davey....listen to the physical therapist and do everything they say. My hip replacement recovery went very well because I followed the Dr's orders.

Russell Eaton
01-24-2013, 7:37 PM
Good luck Reed, hope for a quick recovery.

John Keeton
01-24-2013, 7:39 PM
Kinda late to the party, but I certainly hope things go well and your recovery is rapid!

Timothy Mann
01-24-2013, 7:48 PM
Good luck I hope all goes well for you!

Mel Fulks
01-24-2013, 7:53 PM
Don't take this stuff too far.You don't want to end up like the antique hammer....repaired over time with two new handles,and one new head. Speedy recovery!

Jon McElwain
01-24-2013, 8:00 PM
Up and walking the same day? You've gotta be kidding me. You really need to milk these surgeries for all they're worth. Seems to me that you should be able to watch movies and be waited on hand and foot for at lest a week!

I hope that all goes well, and we'll be praying for a speedy recovery!

Jon Mac

Sam Layton
01-24-2013, 9:14 PM

I am a little late seeing this as well. I just had my hip replaced 10 weeks ago. What a difference... I had surgery late afternoon on a Monday, on my feet walking Tuesday morning, went home on Friday, in the shop on crutches Sunday. I can not imagine having both hips done at the same time...

I wish you well.


Harry Robinette
01-24-2013, 10:45 PM
Reed my sister just got home a week ago from a hip replacement, she says it was a breeze.She used a walker till today and she's only carrying her cane.
Best of luck to you.

Clint Baxter
01-24-2013, 11:43 PM
Best of luck to you Reed. Here's hoping you're back into the shop and turning in record time.


Kirk Miller
01-27-2013, 2:57 AM
Reed wishing you a speedy recovery. Do what the doctor tells you and Im sure everything will heel fast and strong.

Ken Glass
01-27-2013, 9:18 AM
Take it from someone who has had both hips done, but not at the same time, you will do great, especially since you have good muscle tone in your legs. The best part of hip replaceement is that immediately after surgery you will notice there is only surgical pain, because hip replacement almost always take away the joint pain accociated with joint disease. Five and a half weeks after my first hip replacement, I was riding ATV's on the beach in Puerto Vallarta. Go for it, Reed......and remember to do all the exercises they give you, it will lesson the recovery time.

Gary Herrmann
01-27-2013, 12:26 PM
Good luck and speedy recovery, Reed. My Mom had a hip replaced last summer and I was very impressed with how quickly she was walking.