View Full Version : Walnut oil...nut allergies?

Mike Cruz
01-23-2013, 10:01 AM
Well, many of us use walnut oil for our turnings. In many cases as a food safe finish. I'm curious...first of all, what part of the walnut tree is the oil coming from? Second, would/could someone with a nut allergy be...allergic...to the finish? Granted, once dry, I would imagine that it is a non issue. But still... Anyone know anything about this?

And yes, I know there are other finishes out there that I could use (salad bowl finish, etc, etc, etc) other than walnut oil if I have a concern. But "what other finishes are there besides walnut oil?" isn't my question. I'm just asking about the possible walnut oil/nut allerg correlation. Thanks.

Ted Calver
01-23-2013, 10:36 AM
There's walnut oil, and then there's walnut oil. There have been many discussions of this issue here in the past and I'm sure the chemists will come out of the woodwork. IIRC Mahoney's Utility finish is a walnut oil that has been heat treated in a way that disables the protein causing nut allergies. His site says "All my finishes are high-quality, non-toxic, and food-safe products."
I don't know if food store walnut oil goes through a heating process and my one experience using it resulted in a gooey mess. I never used it again. Been using Mahoney's for years with no problems.

Bernie Weishapl
01-23-2013, 10:45 AM
Mike I have used both Mahoney's and Drs Workshop walnut oils. Been using it for about 4 yrs now. I have not had any problems with it as far as allergies go. I always put a warning on them so people know. I talked with both Mike Mahoney and Mike Meridth. Both told me there oil is heated and filtered to get rid of the protein that causes the allergies. Both Mike's told me it isn't 100% but probably 99%. Here is a e-mail I received from Mike Meridth who made is own walnut oil.

As a Professor of Biochemistry, I know something about the chemistry of finishes. As a specialist in Biochemical Toxicology, I understood the risks of solvent exposure. This is what I have learned from the medical literature. About 3 to 5% of the general population reports a nut allergy. Of those reporting "nut allergy", about 90% are allergic to peanuts which is a legume and not a nut at all. Of the remaining 10%, 5% are allergic to cashews and the rest allergic to walnut, almonds and other nuts including filberts. Walnut allergy is elicited by the proteins in the nut, wood and leaves. The walnut oil i use is treated and filtered such that no protein is detectable by the most sensitive methods in my lab (mass spec and colorimetric). I can find no data on cross reactivity between nut allergens. I do not guarantee that there is not risk of allergy, but the risk is as small as i can make it. Moreover, since walnut oil is a drying oil, it is found in the wood as a solid, plastic-like material that is not going to be lost in a liquid form, making any protein residue unavailable for biological interaction.

Here is where you can find his oils. http://www.doctorswoodshop.com/

Hope this helps Mike.

Mike Cruz
01-23-2013, 10:57 AM
Thanks to both of you. Ted, I really should have specified... Yes, I'm talking about a finish, like Mahoney's...not bought from the grocery store. Sorry.

Bernie, thanks for the forward of that email. At least, it explains that there is, if nothing else, cause to caution someone of the possibility of the finish containing "nuts". Even though and allergy from the oil contained in a drying agent makes it near impossible to have a reaction to it. Thanks.

Ted Calver
01-23-2013, 11:46 AM
Bernie, Thanks for that link. Good videos and a less expensive product. I sent in a order to give it a try.

Reed Gray
01-23-2013, 11:58 AM
The Doctor can explain it better, and I think he has a PDF on his site that goes into it. One problem with the grocery store stuff is some times it is pasteurized, which keeps it from curing/cross polymerizing or what ever it is. I would also think that once the oil is cured, it would be safer yet. I do believe that the Mahoney oil is from the husks and leaves, and the Doctor's is from the nut meats. Both work.

robo hippy

Ralph Lindberg
01-23-2013, 2:43 PM
In addition to the above, my wife (also a Turner) is allergic to Walnut (blisters in her mouth), but she can use both of these finishes, without any reaction. Now, this does NOT mean that everyone that is allergic to Walnuts would not, but that she does not.

Mike Cruz
01-23-2013, 3:10 PM
Reed, interesting note about the two origins of the manufacturer's oils...

Ralph, while I fully understand what you mean that your wife's reaction (or lack thereof) does not "speak" for everyone, it is good to know that she, being allergic to walnut itself, has no difficulties with walnut oil. Thanks.

Thom Sturgill
01-23-2013, 3:17 PM
In addition to the above, my wife (also a Turner) is allergic to Walnut (blisters in her mouth), but she can use both of these finishes, without any reaction. Now, this does NOT mean that everyone that is allergic to Walnuts would not, but that she does not.

In comparison, how does she react to grocery store walnut oil? (Please do NOT have her test this if she does not already know.)

Michael Dromey
01-23-2013, 8:34 PM
This is all great information. I have been thinking of using some of Doctors finish. It is good to know that the allergy issue is virtually nonexistent.

Joseph M Lary
01-23-2013, 9:01 PM
I'm trying out 100% pure tung oil &thin it with citrus solvent made of citrus peels . got it from the Real Milk paint co. did not want any problems with nut allergies on my turnings .

robert baccus
01-23-2013, 11:35 PM
Tung nut trees all around here--in my yard too. It makes "nuts" and they are highly poisonous, almost killed a friend years ago in La. The oil is pressed from them and plantations of Tung were established in trhe south after WWII dried up the China trade. From everything I read all the finishes are safe after fully curing and Tung is easily the hardest and most durable. The safest probably is mineral oil and very easily renewed by anyone.

Ralph Lindberg
01-24-2013, 12:17 AM
In comparison, how does she react to grocery store walnut oil? (Please do NOT have her test this if she does not already know.)

Don't know

Mike Cruz
01-24-2013, 6:27 AM
Sounds to me like she reacts like this... "I'm not buying THAT!"