View Full Version : Boxes

charlie knighton
01-22-2013, 3:32 PM
left box is maple

right box is oak/basswood

Brian Kent
01-22-2013, 5:26 PM
Hey Charlie. What is the basswood like to turn? My wife would like me to turn some figures for her to carve details in. Are there any problems with the softness for turning?

I like your boxes.

charlie knighton
01-22-2013, 7:01 PM
What is the basswood like to turn? My wife would like me to turn some figures for her to carve details in. Are there any problems with the softness for turning?

Brian, this is my first attempt to turn basswood, and i am turning NC basswood. the best basswood grows in Kentucky and north, or so i am told. but this stuff turned ok, its not cherry or mesquite, but maybe sort of like the soft maple we have in virginia, but cannot not get the detail of the soft maple. it sands pretty good, and sands well by hand. its not as fuzy as aspen (only turned it a couple of times). you seem to be in the southern part of california, but it you could get some basswood from a higher elevation that would probably help. i am buying 1 inch boards as i am using it on some wallhangings and doing some boxes. i need something to carry thru some plane changes to take to the utah symposium in may. like i say this was my first attempt, but i saw a piece in American Woodturner by Bonnie Klein. it was great, and i have a ways to go. i do not like a shiney or glass like finish, so i really like this stuff. sand it and finish it with a little J & J baby powder, good to go.