View Full Version : A great resource for learning SketchUp

John Dorough
01-22-2013, 2:46 PM
I second what others, such as Dick Mahany, have said about the video tutorials by Joe Zeh (a/k/a Chiefwoodworker). I struggled mightily with SketchUp, and had almost given up hope of doing any computer drawing. Chiefwoodworker saved the day. Joe's tutorials are extremely user-friendly, thorough, and easy-to-understand. I think for anyone who has had (or, is having) troubles with the SketchUp learning curve, the eight-part "beginners" series is a must. Joe has done us all a real service.

Rich Riddle
01-22-2013, 6:07 PM
That's great. The local woodworking club here sends people to Rockler to pay for the class. It's a woodworking club member.

J.R. Rutter
01-22-2013, 7:29 PM

Michael Mayo
01-23-2013, 8:40 PM
If you have a question or problem with Sketchup don't miss a chance at contacting Creeker Dave Richard's who in my opinion is a Sketchup guru. I just watched a Sketchup video he did on making a shop cabinet on FWW (http://www.finewoodworking.com/item/105556/drawing-a-shop-cabinet-in-sketchup-casters-and-drawers) and he maintains a blog over there that is just chock full of Sketchup knowledge. I wouldn't say his stuff is geared for the beginner but if you already have a grasp of the program then his little videos and blog posts are worth gold. I sent him a PM and he answered it almost immediately and was very nice adding that anytime I had any questions to please give him a shout as he uses many of the questions he gets for blogging material which helps everyone.

Greg R Bradley
01-23-2013, 9:41 PM
One of the big challenges in Sketchup is learing to think in the way it works. There are many tutorials out there and many are free. After being really frustrated with it, I tried Dave Richards eBook. http://www.tauntonstore.com/fine-woodworkings-google-sketchup-guide-for-woodworkers-basics-download-067125.html

The other free tutorials should have paid ME by comparison. I bought the ebook for $12.95 and feel that was ridiculously cheap for what I gained by running it. Yes, the free ones saved me $12.95 but cost me at least a day in wasted time. OK, I will stop in my praise before Dave Richards raises his price.......