View Full Version : Glue mishap on bent lamination. Urea formaldehyde glue. Need to repair advice

Dave huber
01-21-2013, 10:47 PM
I suffered a partial calamity today.I'm completing the bent arms on my Morris chair.
I glued both arms without incident using DAP Weldwood urea formaldehyde glue.
I glued the top lamination on last night. Just like before. I must have flubbed the mixing or spreading or something. The last 2 inches on the end of one arm did not bond. It is sprung.
The remainder of the lamination is intact. Bond seems good. Does not seem like it wants to pop off.
The surfaces look coated, but did not bond. Clamping seemed ok. just like before.
Getting the arm off is not an option now. It is screwed on under the last lamination.
This lamination approximately 1/8"

I need to spread some adhesive into the gap as far as I can go and reclamp.

I'm trying to figure the best choice for repair adhesive.

I'm Open to all advice!

More of the same glue?


Gorilla glue?



Mel Fulks
01-21-2013, 11:16 PM
Laminations work better glued up longer than the finished length.The stress is so great on those ends. For the repair I think I'd use gorilla glue. Don't use the Weldwood glue anytime the temp is under 70 degrees.Mix it with warm water and let it sit for at least ten minutes after its mixed . Apply to both surfaces. Read the directions to make sure you are leaving it clamped long enough.

Dave huber
01-22-2013, 6:16 PM
I may have had a problem with temperature, I guess. shop gets into the lower 60s. Perhaps a mixing problem. Most of the surface appears intact, for better or worse.

I plan to clean the surfaces up with strips of sandpaper and get as much adhesive in as possible. The string/dental floss suggestion will likely be helpful.

Does anyone know from experience if the Urea Formaldehyde glue will stick to hardened UF glue?

Otherwise, I'm likely to mix up enough epoxy and go for it, I guess.

Thanks for the help!


Thomas Hotchkin
01-22-2013, 7:02 PM
You can Not reglue Urea Formaldehyde glue. Go with the epoxy, but it is also temperature sensitive. Will not setup if to cold, small heating pad will work. Tom

Mel Fulks
01-22-2013, 7:30 PM
You will have to make sure the area to be re glued is not wet from the other glue .Plastic resin glue is probably the most unforgiving on temperature .They mean 70 or above ,not 69. I doubt you mixed it wrong .It IS pretty forgiving on mix.The suggestion to let it sit for at least 10 minutes after mixing used to be on the label. It is particularly helpful when gluing things like Italian bending ply which is already full of glue.Makes it spread more evenly without the surface repelling the glue from the previous saturation.

Chris Padilla
01-22-2013, 7:58 PM

Mr. Smalser weighing in on the subject.

Dave huber
01-22-2013, 8:48 PM

Went down to shop to clean up joint and attempt fix.
I attribute problem to the fact that shop was 58 degrees when I went down. I did not think about it. Needs 70.
Once I started playing with the joint, I discovered that some work with a chisel and a paint scraper got most of the top lamination to pop off. I was able to sand the remaining off.
Dust is nasty. Thank goodness sander has good dust extraction.
Now to get my hands on another figured 1/8" piece and carry on!

