View Full Version : Kitchen Cabinet Door Width Question

Buck Williams
01-21-2013, 7:41 PM
What's the maximum practical width for a kitchen cabinet door? Is there a standard, or a rule of thumb, as to how to determine whether an opening in a kitchen cabinet requires one door or two doors. In my case I'm laying out a cabinet run that would have, 3 - 25" wide base cabinets, with face frames, leaving a 21" wide opening. Is a 21" wide door too much to swing, or are double doors a better idea. The interiors of the cabinets will have slide out shelves. I also have a 24" opening on a wall cabinet, above the dishwasher, same question, is a 24" wide door too much? How do you guys approach this design problem? Thanks.

scott vroom
01-21-2013, 11:41 PM
Lotta folks max out at 24" door width. I just finished a job with 2 upper 21" doors and a 24" base door.....both look natural and proportional. You're fine @ 21"...enjoy your new kitchen.

Bill White
01-22-2013, 11:21 AM
I'm also in the school of 24" max width cab doors.
No probs with 21".

Steve Griffin
01-22-2013, 5:57 PM
I mostly do inset style and constantly worry about warping doors. I shoot for 15-18" doors, and max at 21".Though recently I begrudgingly did some 24" x 72" doors, but used 1" thick wood.For your 75" run, I'd probably prefer two pairs of doors, rather than 3 big singles.Especially for uppers, I'd hate a 24" door. A pair of 12" looks nicer, less prone to problems with warping and they don't stick out so far.

Buck Williams
01-22-2013, 6:29 PM
Thanks for the replies. I am doing inset doors, I have 2 walls completed and installed, with 2 walls to go. I have experienced a little warping, nothing extreme, just a corner of a door which now sits a little off of flush. I hung the cabinets in Sept and I a few doors have "moved" a bit with the change in ambient humidity. I have a hot water radiator heating system which I think tends to be dryer than forced air with a humidifier, so seasonal changes might be an issue to consider. I appreciate the insights, looks like as usual, it's your project and your decision. Thanks

Kevin Guarnotta
01-22-2013, 7:13 PM
I'd add one more thing, I think any width up to 24" can be ok, what matters more is where that large door is located. In other words-I tend to use larger doors near the end or at the end of a run of cabinets. So the door is opening to the wall, or open space.

Try to imagine using the kitchen, where you are standing when you open the door...it is hard to explain, but at a certain point you'll hopefully see a large door doesn't make sense in certain spots, but makes sense in others.