View Full Version : a couple of cereal bowls...

Russell Eaton
01-20-2013, 7:47 PM
OK I lied. The small bowl is just over 17"spalted river birch. The larger bowl is 19"+ and is red ambrosia maple. The maple still needs to have some finish applied. I don't think I have enough walnut oil on hand so I will put it on when get some more. Both bowls were twice turned, the river birch was soaked in DNA, the red maple was too big for the tub. I am liking the vacuum generator on the 4224b, it sure helps to clean the bottom off. Sorry for the crappy picture. Comments are welcome, good or bad. Russell

Harry Robinette
01-20-2013, 8:07 PM
Very nice Russel.

Justin Stephen
01-20-2013, 8:09 PM
That was a legitimate size for a cereal bowl when I was in college. :)

Bernie Weishapl
01-20-2013, 9:33 PM
Definitely great looking popcorn bowls.

Brian Kent
01-20-2013, 9:34 PM
I really like the ambrosia maple. Does it have a finish on it yet? I am surprised how white it is.

Thomas Canfield
01-20-2013, 9:45 PM
Cereal bowl for a 4224? Nice looking bowls, but they would fit on my 3520B. I bet it was sweet turning and a walk in the park for the lathe. I don't have a vacuum system and would have had to use a jam chuck to remove the tenon on both bowls. Maybe there is a reason to change.

Russell Eaton
01-21-2013, 7:48 AM
Thomas you could finish turn them on the 3520, but I had to chainsaw the red maple on the 4224 just so it would spin. It was a beast.Brian the red maple is wait in on some walnut oil. I don't think I have enough to complete the whole thing. It has been fin turning on the bigger lathe, the extra HP. and remote on/off have been real handy. Thanks for the comments.