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View Full Version : Two more bowls

paul vechart
01-20-2013, 3:53 PM
I just finished these bowls recently...the boxelder is 6"x2"...the cherry is 7.5"x3"...both are finished first with walnut oil and then a mixture of walnut oil and crystal clear paste wax. This was my first time turning boxelder...had to deal with some nasty end grain tear out...sand sand sand. The cherry ended up having some dark stains the deeper I turned...not to much you can do about that. Normally I don't mind some discolorations but these stains are just ugly...oh well I guess I'll fill it up with something to hide the stains! Comments welcome.:)



Harry Robinette
01-20-2013, 8:45 PM
Very nice Paul.Love the cherry,that bead around the top looks really good.

Brian Kent
01-20-2013, 9:30 PM
The box elder makes me want to stare at it and handle it as a beautiful work of art. The cherry bowl makes me want to go get a bowl of rice chex with bananas.

Bernie Weishapl
01-20-2013, 9:31 PM
Really nice bowls. I agree the beads looks good.

Thomas Canfield
01-20-2013, 9:52 PM
I like both bowls. The wood stain and color variation does not bother me and time should do additional changes. I am surprised at how many of the woods darken and color deepens with time, especially cherry.

Thomas Heck
01-20-2013, 10:08 PM
Nice job. I like both of these.

paul vechart
01-20-2013, 10:20 PM
Thanks for the positive comments everyone...


Jay Jolliffe
01-21-2013, 10:33 AM
I like the design of the bowls....Did you turn these from dry wood & how did you hold them seeing there is no spigot & dovetail recess...

paul vechart
01-21-2013, 1:33 PM
Jay thanks...they were both turned as green wood. The boxelder was turned to start to finish using a spigot inside the recess and then allowded to dry for 4 weeks. The bowl was then chucked using cole jaws to remove the spigot and finish the bottom. For the cherry...I rough turned using a spigot...then dried for 6 weeks... and then re-turned using the spigot and reverse chucked in the cole jaws to finish the bottom. Hope this helps.
