View Full Version : Cleaning MDF

Bruce Page
01-19-2013, 1:15 AM
What should I use to clean MDF after priming & sanding? Denatured alcohol?

Todd Burch
01-19-2013, 8:13 AM
Compressed air and a rag.


Howard Acheson
01-19-2013, 2:01 PM
What are you planning to coat it with? Generally, if you have primed and sanded, you ready for your finish coats. If using an oil based finish vacuum thoroughly and apply your finish coat(s) in accordance with the instructions on the product label. The only time you need to wipe down with a solvent is prior to the final coat. Vacuum and wipe down with rag lightly dampened with mineral spirits is use an oil based finish or a rag lightly dampened with water if applying a waterborne finish.

Do not use alcohol particularly if you are using waterborne finish. Alcohol will damage waterborne finishes.

Bruce Page
01-19-2013, 5:05 PM
Thanks. I'm finishing an MDF cabinet with an oil based primer and a latex enamel topcoat. This is my first time using MDF, I wanted to make sure I didn't put something on it that would be a problem.

Howard Acheson
01-20-2013, 5:35 PM
If you are not doing this already, let me strongly suggest you make up some samples from scrap from your project. Then test your finishing schedule on the scrap. Don't let your project be your learning curve.