View Full Version : Demonstrators Safety Shield

Faust M. Ruggiero
01-17-2013, 8:27 AM
Last year, either here or on the AAW Forum, pictures were posted of a safety screen built to protect the audience from any "flying projectiles". Thinking about it now, the screen was made to protect and to serve as a camera mount. They may have been used at Totally Turning 2012. Anyway, I think that might be a good project for our club and Many others regardless how the AAW insurance thing turns out. The problem is, I can't seem to find the article about constructing one. I'm sure we can start from scratch but who needs to reinvent the wheel. Can anyone help?

Steve Schlumpf
01-17-2013, 8:40 AM
Faust, that project was created by the Mid South Woodturners Club (http://www.midsouthwoodturners.com/Home.html) and was called the Joan Kelly project. I am sure someone there can help you. My club built one and I'll see if there are any plans available that I can pass along.

Here is another link: Shield (http://www.midsouthwoodturners.com/Joan_Kelly_Grants.html)

Jamie Donaldson
01-17-2013, 11:16 AM
Years ago I distributed about 20 Lexan windshields salvaged from golf carts to several turning clubs. This may be a source for making such "audience protection devices" as the windshields are often discarded when the carts are damaged, so check with your local golf course maintenance people for their extras.

Faust M. Ruggiero
01-17-2013, 3:28 PM
Cool idea, Jamie. Steve, thanks for the link. I may be dreaming but I swear there was an article in one of the turning mags showing the construction of the shield using plexiglass and PVC pipe and fittings. I also remember they built a rig for holding the camera used for close ups on one of the uprights. I'll keep looking.