View Full Version : dust collector efficiancy

Larry Craft
01-17-2013, 3:33 AM
Has anyone added a home made "vortex cone" to their dc. None of the dc manufacturers will sell the parts to retrofit any of their units. I've asked. I've read about a number of home remedies that look as if they would work, including a sheet metal cone, a vent cap , a thien baffle, and strangest of all a wok. If anyone has tried any of these; how well did they work.

glenn bradley
01-17-2013, 8:23 AM
There was a post where someone had used a Wok that they picked up at a yard sale to make a shop made Jet Vortex. I'll see if I can find it.

jim hollenback
01-17-2013, 10:33 AM
An early Shopnotes magazine had plans for a cyclone. Onedia sells their cyclones separately.

paul cottingham
01-17-2013, 11:02 AM
Google Thien dust separator. Mine is not very well made, and works great. Cheap and effective.

Jamie Lynch
01-17-2013, 1:36 PM
Google "wok jet vortex" the first hit is an article from popular woodworking.

Lornie McCullough
01-17-2013, 2:35 PM
Hi Larry.... I made a cyclone dust collector using 2 plastic blue barrels, a bit of sheet metal, and a couple 5 gallon buckets. The cyclone works beautifully, and for the cost of 2 barrels ($20).

Look here:



Wade Lippman
01-17-2013, 6:35 PM
I would love to see the wok tested properly. It would be hard to justify a cyclone if a wok and a DC works as well.
Of course, I would also love to see the Jet vortex and the Thien baffle tested.
But I guess Thien and woks don't buy advertising; and maybe Jet doesn't want it tested.

Bruce Wrenn
01-17-2013, 9:33 PM
Phil Thien has a web site devoted to his baffle. Google Another Vote for Phil Thien's Baffle," and you can see how I made the first "Top Hat" design several years ago.

paul cottingham
01-17-2013, 9:41 PM
Phil Thien has a web site devoted to his baffle. Google Another Vote for Phil Thien's Baffle," and you can see how I made the first "Top Hat" design several years ago.

+1 for the top hat. a very nice design.