View Full Version : Vertical bowl with big foot - NOT a goblet or a chalice

Brian Kent
01-14-2013, 6:40 PM
Because I am not trying to make goblets right now. Just practicing bowls.

Concentrating on bowls. Bowls and bowls and more bowls.

This is not a goblet.

Just a bowl that is 9" long and 2-1/2 inches wide.

Because it was cold in the house this morning and one of the pieces of firewood had almost no cracks on one side - I just had to try - to make a long bowl.

Paul Williams
01-14-2013, 6:59 PM
Nice Brian, but if you keepcutting away at that stem you could call it a goblet.
Of course at "the artist" you can call it anything you please.

Jon Lanier
01-14-2013, 7:09 PM
Maybe its a Choblet or a Galice?

Brian Kent
01-14-2013, 7:10 PM
I am joking because a couple of experienced friends on the creek are encouraging me to stick to bowls for awhile until I feel very comfortable making them before I jump to goblets / chalices.

Brian Kent
01-14-2013, 7:11 PM
Maybe its a Choblet or a Galice?

I can live with that.

You know, I am such a beginner at this stuff that everything fascinates me. I feel like a teenager learning the guitar, running through the house to tell everybody each time I learn a new chord. "Hey look - E Major - isn't that fun!"

Thom Sturgill
01-14-2013, 7:35 PM
I am joking because a couple of experienced friends on the creek are encouraging me to stick to bowls for awhile until I feel very comfortable making them before I jump to goblets / chalices.

Don't believe them. Turn what interests you.

Yes turning a given form many, many times will make you more proficient at that form, and builds body memory (for good or bad). I got to be know in our club for the fact that I was always turning something new. Skills keep improving as I learned new tools and forms and when I go back to a form I tried earlier I do so with more knowledge of how turning works, more control over which cuts I want to try and how to accomplish them, and which are not going to work for this form.

I started with spindle work, and yes did quite a few of one particular form (couple of dozen wands), but then moved on. I also went through a phase where everyrthing I turned was turned with a skew until I felt comfortable with it. That exercise needs repeating occasionally. Now after a couple of years of experimenting, I am concentrating on specific forms, but don't need to do as many to get that feeling that I 'understand' the form. Along the way I've turned several dozen bowls because they make great gifts, buti rarely turn more than two or three at a time.

Thomas Canfield
01-14-2013, 7:52 PM

I hope that I suggested that you make a short stem to practice turning the goblet end, and then going with a longer stem. You can also practice turning off the bottom with a short stem being more stable. At least you are having fun. The bug has me the last couple of days and no shop/fun time even with a new toy to get set up and make a report on soon.

Brian Kent
01-14-2013, 8:16 PM
Yes, Thomas, that is what you suggested and I agree with you.
And yes Thom, every once in awhile I just put on the shield and go for it.

Roger Chandler
01-14-2013, 8:16 PM
That is the funniest looking bowl I have seen in .......well, just say a long time, but if you say so, Brian! :D;)

Mike Cruz
01-14-2013, 8:35 PM
Nice goblet...;)

Brian Kent
01-14-2013, 8:36 PM
Another friend said it looks like a wooden leg or a baseball bat handle.