View Full Version : Jerry Glaser has passed away.

Bill Wyko
01-11-2013, 3:46 PM
Hello everyone, sorry I haven't been around. Been working days & nights to get ahead of this economy. Unfortunately I'm the bearer of bad news. Paulo Marin from Glaser called me today to inform me that Jerry Glaser passed away yesterday. As most turners know, Jerry was one of the most influential turnes & turning tool designers to ever come to be. I had the pleasure to meet him in person a while back when Paulo surprised me & took me to his home. He was a very kind, pleasant man. I considered it an honor to be in his presence. I also got to see some of his work, what a talented, creative man he was. So I would ask that you take a moment and say a prayer for the man who touched so many of us with his tools and talent. God bless you Jerry. And to you Paulo, you are the right man to carry the torch, thanks for keeping with the excellence that Jerry began with. You've done an incredible job.

I'll be here more frequently soon, I'm building a wine cellar, an entertainment center, a few humidors, running my car audio business & refinishing my kitchen. Basically another day in the office. Talk to you soon everyone.

Harry Robinette
01-11-2013, 5:18 PM
It's a sad day in turning,My prayers to Jerry's family.

Anthony Cayll
01-11-2013, 5:23 PM
Sad to hear that. Prayers to Jerry's family.

Steve Busey
01-11-2013, 5:33 PM
Sorry to hear of this loss. I never met him, but was moved by your creeker account (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?181774-Finally-my-wonderful-trip-to-California) of your visit, Bill.

Russell Eaton
01-11-2013, 5:45 PM
What a loss to the turning world.

Ted Calver
01-11-2013, 5:55 PM
Sad news. Our condolences to Jerry's family and loved ones. Many of us will think of him as we continue to use the wonderful tools he left behind....a great legacy.

Allan Ferguson
01-11-2013, 5:56 PM
Turners that knew him will miss him sorely. I have also been missing seeing your turnings and comments. Alla

Bill Wyko
01-11-2013, 6:28 PM
Sorry I haven't been around. I've just applied for my corporation papers to start my woodworking business while also running my audio business. Didn't realize just how much I put on my plate. I'll be back with some new projects in a few weeks though. Can't wait to get back on my new lathe, it's driving me nuts to not turn for so long.

I like to think while I turn so it'll be comforting to think that there's inspiration from Jerry in my hands.

Bernie Weishapl
01-11-2013, 6:57 PM
Good to see ya back Bill. It is indeed a sad day. Prayers for the family.