View Full Version : Perhaps the nicest wood i have turned

Steve Mawson
01-10-2013, 9:10 PM
This is a piece of Maple Burl that came from Mike Cruz last Easter. Several people in my family were involved with the hauling from Maryland to Pennsylvania to Illinois where I picked it up and brought back to Nebraska. Could be the most majestic wood that I have ever turned-my opinion of course.

The top was very uneven which made the coring very challenging:mad:, I got the first core out which was a little thin. Then the tennon broke off when I tried for the second and it sat for quite awhile. So month or so ago I gave it another go and this is the result. Perhaps could have got 4 without the tennon breaking. Gloss lacquer sanding sealer followed by satin lacquer-should it be more glossy? Largest bowl is about 10 3/4" x 4 3/4".

Finally got a photo tent made which hopefully shows off the nice wood better as well. Comments welcome especially about the gloss or lack thereof.


Greg Ketell
01-10-2013, 9:14 PM
Beautiful piece!

Steve Mawson
01-10-2013, 9:18 PM
Sorry I got this posted twice, not sure how that happened. Don't know how to delete one either.

Roger Chandler
01-10-2013, 9:19 PM
Mike certainly comes up with some good stuff! I have seen several of his pieces and his wood gathering is pretty significant.

Nice work on these, Steve.........they are very pretty....gotta love the natural edge and the burl grain!

Kathy Marshall
01-10-2013, 9:23 PM
Sorry I got this posted twice, not sure how that happened. Don't know how to delete one either.

Beautiful set Steve! Awesome wood and it looks great with the natural edge. I like it with the satin finish.

I deleted the duplicate thread for you. ;)

Dick Mahany
01-10-2013, 9:51 PM
That is drop dead gorgeous! I've been reading Kathy's posts with her new found coring magic, now yours as well...................I'm starting to get bad ideas for new tools !! :D Technique is another matter completely, and you've obviously got it mastered!

Rodney Walker
01-10-2013, 9:57 PM
They look good to me. I like the finish, the natural edges of the burl are very striking, the wood itself is beautiful and with the three, the sizes are evenly spaced and look good together. No one would ever know you tried for four.
Very nice work, maybe someday I'll be that good but I have a long way to go.

Bernie Weishapl
01-10-2013, 10:16 PM
That is just a beautiful set Steve. Really well done.

Michael James
01-11-2013, 10:04 AM
High Gloss on a natural edge piece is an oxymoron in my opinion. Still sucker for satin or matte finishes. Great job on some beautiful wood!

Steve Mawson
01-11-2013, 2:57 PM
Guess I will leave finish as is and buff over the weekend.
Thanks for the kind comments.

Prashun Patel
01-11-2013, 3:20 PM
This is a beautiful set. I love everything about it.

Harry Robinette
01-11-2013, 5:59 PM
Nice job of coring, those natural edge coring's are a pain in the rear seat.

Allan Ferguson
01-11-2013, 6:04 PM
Very, very nice indeed.

Mike Cruz
01-11-2013, 6:17 PM
Wow, Steve, those turned out fantastic. I think you did a great job coring the blank, and certainly did the wood justice!

Funny how this was one of those pieces that I had up for sale a while back that nobody (okay, very few people) took me up on. I guess people just didn't see the beauty within...:rolleyes: