View Full Version : Blue Ridge Creeker Visit

Josh Bowman
01-08-2013, 5:42 PM
Creeker Jack Epperson and I traveled back into the Blue Ridge mountains, to a place fellow Creeker Gary Gardner now calls home. Farmer, sailor, teacher and woodworker, he has opened a great wood shop and gallery in the area of Morganton and Blue Ridge Ga. He took the time from his day to show us his well equipped shop and talk woodturning. Afterwards he showed us his extensive stock (tubs and tubs!) of Sorby tools that he use to sell to students. Of course me being a toolaholic, I couldn't help but add some specialty tools to my collection, at a nice discount thanks to Gary. He also introduced us to a wood called Rockwood, this stuff is hard and heavy as nails and will polish up with no finish on a lathe....go figure! It's some kind of dense laminate. Here's a picture of Gary and Me and the second is of Gary and Jack.
250528250527 This made for a great day!

Bernie Weishapl
01-08-2013, 9:05 PM
Creeker visit are the best. Looks like you all had fun.

Dick Mahany
01-08-2013, 9:34 PM
Looks like a great time. Rockwood..........learn something new here every day!