View Full Version : Trying to get two irons sharp...

steven c newman
01-07-2013, 9:30 PM
I had two irons, both from Jack planes, that needed a little re-freshing. Took them out of the planes, and over to the grinder. I have one rest set AT 25degrees. I also was going with a cambered edge on one iron. Laid the curve out, and ground to the line. Brought them both upstairs where a few stones were waiting..250465250466 That red glow is from a lamp, nearby. Nice and straight on the one iron, and a nice camber on the other. I have three oil stones, and they make up three grits. Some 3in1 oil to keep things moving. Wiped the irons down after each grit was done with each side of the iron. Oil up the next grit, and go again. By the time I worked through all five grits, it was time for some "Green Stuff' and a buffing out. Didn't have any leather strop handy ( maybe next time) but had things nice and sharp and shiny. Guides? Nope, all by hand, with a finger tip right at the edge, getting all oily. 250467250468Time to test them out?250469Cambered edged one onboard it's plane. Wood is an Oak,Ash, Hickory???? Had a lot of bark of the edge, none now. Followed up with the straight edged iron, in it's plane..250471 Edge is now jointed flat and smooth. Plane #1; Parplus #5 Plane #2 Stanley Handyman #5 The other Jack plane i have is a Stanley/ Bailey #5. it got sharpened over the weekend. Total time for all of this "playing around"? Maybe 1/2 an hour per iron, counting the grinder work. Handyman was in need of a little grinding as well. Hardest part was trying to stone that cambered edge iron. I don't have a big wide stone like Chri Schwarz does. Can't quite make "Figure Eights" on my stones...:D

George Van Aken
01-08-2013, 11:11 AM
Not too shabby! There's nothing like a scary sharp blade. A joy to use, whatever the job at hand.

I've always loved to sharpen. I have no idea where the enjoyment came from, but even in my teens, I'd have friends who begged me to sharpen their blades. Always argued with one of my brothers over blade direction. I pull the blade away from the stone, (like stropping), he gives the old slicing movement like in the movies. He can still put a nice edge on a blade, but I like my technique better.

Now that I'm interested in wood, I'm learning to sharpen gouges. A tad more difficult than the Old Timers! :)

Have fun making those wonderful smelling curls!

steven c newman
01-09-2013, 10:28 AM
Next up, I have a handful of chisels to do. Then maybe make a saw vise and might sharpen so handsaws. Some of the chisels are a might short. Rest on the grinder won't adjust close enough for the short bladed ones. May have to get a jig made up that fits the rest on the grinder....

steven c newman
01-09-2013, 8:35 PM
just a few chisels done today...250616250617 my older wood handled ones...250618250619 and my newer ones.