View Full Version : Small Poplar Bowl Crazy Colors

Harry Robinette
01-07-2013, 8:40 PM
I finished this bowl today and until I put the oil on it, it was rather bland looking. Then it did this color and little lines started popping up. 8" x 4 1/2" 2 coats of Polymerized Linseed oil 2 coats of wax hand buffed. Bottom done with Sorby Spiraler with the texturing wheel.

Bernie Weishapl
01-07-2013, 9:16 PM
Beautiful bowl Harry and I love that bottom.

Brian Kent
01-07-2013, 11:45 PM
looks good enough to eat

Michelle Rich
01-08-2013, 6:21 AM
neat bowl & you ought to make the spirals your signature!

Harry Robinette
01-09-2013, 6:49 PM
Michelle- the connecting HR is may trade mark but I've had allot of people tell me the same thing. I might have to change it.
Bernie- the spiral is just a cut with the mini-spiraler from Sorby. I've tried the decorating Elf from Henry Taylor but it's very strange to use I don't care for it at all.
Brian- Poplar doesn't have a very good flavor but I have one more piece if you want to try if.
Thanks everyone.