View Full Version : Big Oak Burl... what do I do with it?

Michael Tucker
01-06-2013, 8:08 PM
Howdy all,

My father-in-law brought me a really big white oak burl that he found and I'm wondering what to do with it and how to do it. I don't turn bowls (I turn pepper mills, pens, bottle stoppers and such) and I don't have the equipment to even begin to turn anything this big. So if I was going to cut it up for things that I turn, should I leave it whole to dry out (it's fresh off of a green tree) or cut it down into smaller chunks to dry out? Either way, should I dry it out inside the house where it's warm or inside the barn where it's dry but not climate controlled?

Thanks for the insight,

Dennis Ford
01-06-2013, 8:11 PM
It will dry much faster and with less damage if you cut it up. Cut your pieces slightly oversize to allow for shrinkage, warping etc. I would coat the pieces with anchor seal and store them in the barn (stickered so that air can circulate around the pieces).

Fred Belknap
01-06-2013, 8:23 PM
What Dennis said. If you have a bunch of stuff in the barn it might pay to date and ID it.

Aric Krueger
01-07-2013, 2:41 AM
yeah, what Dennis said... this article from wood magazine may be useful as well.


Michael Tucker
01-07-2013, 7:56 AM
Dennis, Fred and Aric,

Thanks for the insight, suggestions and article info! I will cut it into workable size chunks, seal it, stick it and store it in the barn to let it dry out until it's ready to use.

Thanks again,

Mike Cruz
01-07-2013, 1:19 PM
If I were you, I'd send it to me! :D Wait, that would mean I would send it to myself...:rolleyes:

You've gotten all the actual advice you need...