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View Full Version : Is it me or does there seem to be more

Scott Coffelt
04-28-2005, 12:36 PM
crimes against children happening lately? It's getting to the point I don't want to watch or read the news. I am just sick, someobody please stop the madness, I pray society can change soon. Too many little angels not being allowed to have wonderful lives.

What is up with these absolutely sick people?

Sorry, just read another article about 3yr old and 9 yr old being stabbed to death, most likely one of the parents.

Chris Padilla
04-28-2005, 12:50 PM
I dunno if it is happening more...you are definately hearing about it more often. Keep in mind in this day and age of nearly instant and/or "easy to get to the mass market" media, we get bombarding with all kinds of stuff if we let ourselves....

Also, folks with children will be especially tuned in and especially affected. I immediately imagine my little girl in such situations and it sickens me to no end.

John Hart
04-28-2005, 1:16 PM
This is starting to get to me too. If you look back in time, the destruction, abuse, and exploitation of children was commonplace. But here we are in present day, with present day values which are the far extreme opposite of millenia ago. That, coupled with the fact that we are blasted with enough media, making it seem like we live in this bloodlust society where you fear letting your kids play in the front yard....heaven forbid letting them walk out the door saying, "see ya!...don't know where we'll be!...I'll be home before dark!"

....like I used to do.

So, is it the instant notification? The new improved Amber Alert System? Or worse yet...Could it be that the media has found a new trigger for getting our attention and we're responding to their latest "dinner bell"?

No matter what it is, I know this...I woke up this morning thinking about it. It's really starting to bother me a lot.

Jeff Sudmeier
04-28-2005, 1:41 PM
I think it is a combination of all three. At no other point in history was news as fast as it is today. Also, we know more about what is happening in all parts of the world than ever. The media knows that these stories sell, so any of them that they can find, they run.

Finally, there has probably been an increase in the crimes as well.

It is sickening to say the least!

Jerry Olexa
04-28-2005, 1:56 PM
Sad reflection of our current culture and society. Media exploitation throws more gas on the fire !! It is sad! I agree w most of your points! Protect your children..

Jim Becker
04-28-2005, 2:20 PM
It is depressing and it's not being helpful to those of us involved with international adoption, either. However, I don't think that the fequency has ramped so much as the media frenzy.

Frank Pellow
04-28-2005, 2:29 PM
Like others who have responded to this thread, nothing disturbes me as much as child abuse.

However, I think that the situation is better now than it was in ages past. We are now more aware of such crimes and less tolerent of them.

Kevin Beck
04-28-2005, 2:58 PM
There is definitely more media attention on this type of crime than ever before. There have been 3 young girls killed by known sexual predators here in central Florida during the last year (2 in the last 4 months).

We've also had a rash of school employees (teachers, bus monitors, etc.) arrested for all manner of sick stuff with kids.

Florida's sexual offender web site has been brought to a standstill the last month or so there are so many people checking out their neighborhoods.

Keep them safe.


Scott Coffelt
04-28-2005, 3:12 PM
Sorry to say, I am glad that it is just not me tired of it. Don't get me started on the indecency with children stuff, I can tell you I would probably say some things that would get me banned.... I have no positive words only profanity laced descriptions of them and their acts.

Jim I still think it is a much better place in the US for children than in many countries, on one side of the arguement I am glad they have strict laws and processes to protect the adoptee, but on the other if people are willing to step up, they should be allowed. I am very proud of folks willing to step up. With the right frame of mind, it doesn't take any time to build that bond like a natural child.

I raised my niece since she just turned 6, very though but pretty much wouldn't change it, even though the last year was pure hell. She is now 18 and on her own. I think she realizes we did our best, though I heard today she is started to work for Hooters, not sure Uncle Scott likes that very much. But she is an adult now.... :rolleyes:

Cecil Arnold
04-28-2005, 3:41 PM
Actually, there is less crime today than 10 years ago. The problem is--and we've all heard this until we're sick of it--"if it bleads it leads." In place of the gore that has become all together too commonplace, we now have crimes against childern, which is why we're seeing so much of it. Before anyone sounds off about the media, however, I think it is only fair to understand that the media only gives us what we demand. Otherwise how do you explain such hits in the entertainment media as CSI. Another facit of the media "slant" on crime news is where the media gets its information. If some actor gets off you aalways hear about the Judges and Court System. Did you ever wonder where the media got that information. The judges don't talk to them, but the cops (who probly messed up in the first palce) do. So the media gets a cop slant. That's the reason a number of people are so concerned about the crime problem when violent crime has been down over the past 10 years. So far as crimes against childern, there is probaly less today than in the past, but awareness and several laws that have been enacted, have increased reporting along with the number of cases opened. And yes, I do have a vita and a wife who spent over 30 years as a social worker, to support such statements.

Michael Perata
04-28-2005, 3:47 PM
From someone with first hand experience - it no more prevalent today than when I was 14.

Just more news reporters and news outlets and a willingness to not hide the event.

BTW: If you have any sympathy for the likes of a Michael Jackson - you are an absolute fool.

John Hart
04-28-2005, 3:49 PM
And you know what Cecil...what you say bothers me even more. You are confirming what I suspected...That the rates are in decline. However, I am waking up in the morning worried about it. Ultimately, my little pea-brain is going to protect itself and I am going to become desensitized because of all the "in you face" coverage will eventually make me numb.

What a world eh?

Cecil Arnold
04-28-2005, 3:55 PM
John, the best way to handel it is to TURN THE TV OFF(and urge your friends and neighbors to do the same). They only show what you are willing to watch.

Tyler Howell
04-28-2005, 4:05 PM
No matter what the cause the important factor as in days of old, is for the good people to share their quality values (of WW). Also to use your powers to spend and vote your conscience.

Donnie Raines
04-28-2005, 4:19 PM
Times have changed.... :(
Nt long ago I was rideing my bike and playing "war" in the woods with my buddies all day. I would'nt go home for hours at a time, and we wer'nt worried about "bad things". Now, I don't dare let me little girls out of my site. I wish the media would lay off of it. Sure, mention the story in the news. But it need not be played over and over again. It simply numbs you to the issue and we have other thing to worry about in these days and times now....

Michael Perata
04-28-2005, 4:30 PM
It simply numbs you to the issue and we have other thing to worry about in these days and times now....
You are kidding - I hope.

Ian Barley
04-28-2005, 5:46 PM
Everything except the evening news says that children are safer today than 20 years ago. The risk of "stranger" harm to a child is tiny. Most who are harmed are harmed by somebody that they know, often a family member.

The first step to dealing with the nonsensical media presentation is to know it for what it is. A child is much more likely to be damaged if they are not given the chance to experience risk and make decisions.

Scott Coffelt
04-28-2005, 5:47 PM
I have no problems with the media reporting it, heck I guess I have no problems with the extended coverage.... in hopes that some innocent child will be saved... I do think the sick fools who do this also crave media attention therefore leads to more in order to get attention.... Yes, SEX, Violence, etc. sells, people do love dirty laundry. I'm tired of the children paying for it.

I long for the day where it was safe to be outside as a kid, my poor son just wants to play and at times, I feel I have to find other things for him to do cause I really need to get something done... in the end, it's a choice but he just needs to be a kid...

I try to explain to him, but that's just not fair for a 5 YO to have to understand and deal with.... make the punishment tough enough, it will stop... or at least there won't be repeat offenders. But anyways, sorry to stir things up, just been thinking a lot lately about kids. Things are easier in many ways but then again, not for this generation.

And yes, being a parnet hightens your senses to the these things.

Frank Pellow
04-28-2005, 7:59 PM
Times have changed.... :(
It simply numbs you to the issue and we have other thing to worry about in these days and times now
I fail to see how anyone could be numbed to the issue of child abuse. :mad:

Frank Pellow
04-28-2005, 8:07 PM
Everything except the evening news says that children are safer today than 20 years ago. The risk of "stranger" harm to a child is tiny. Most who are harmed are harmed by somebody that they know, often a family member.

The first step to dealing with the nonsensical media presentation is to know it for what it is. A child is much more likely to be damaged if they are not given the chance to experience risk and make decisions.
I do agree with you Ian. I grew up in a very rough lumber mill town in the hinterlands and was "street proofed" at any early age by my parents. Our children grew up in a big city and they too were made aware of situations to avoid and things to do should the situations arise. Once equiped to deal with it, I was given a lot of freedom and we did the same thing with our children.

Cecil Arnold
04-28-2005, 8:26 PM
I think you've got it Frank. The term that comes to mind is situational awareness. I really think we tend to overprotect our children and fail to make them aware of the potential dangers "on the street" while not giving them the chance to exercise and develop judgement. But then I thought the other fellow won the election back in 2000.

Scott Coffelt
04-28-2005, 8:44 PM
I don't think one could call someone under 10 old enough to really understand and protect themselves. I totally agree that children need to be made aware of the dangers and how to deal with them, but in the latest case it really appears that the parent(s) may be the murderer, I can hardly say the kids should have seen it coming. To have a ex-boyfriend of the mother's show up and kidnap, rape and kill, again hard for a child to predict; have someone sneak into a house in the night, kidnap, rape and kill.... street smarts is one thing and never having a chance is another.

One thing I know is as a father, I'll never become numb to the problem.

Roy Wall
04-28-2005, 11:54 PM
I don't think one could call someone under 10 old enough to really understand and protect themselves. I totally agree that children need to be made aware of the dangers and how to deal with them, but in the latest case it really appears that the parent(s) may be the murderer, I can hardly say the kids should have seen it coming. To have a ex-boyfriend of the mother's show up and kidnap, rape and kill, again hard for a child to predict; have someone sneak into a house in the night, kidnap, rape and kill.... street smarts is one thing and never having a chance is another.

One thing I know is as a father, I'll never become numb to the problem.

I don't let my kid play outside unless I'm out there too - or another adult. You can do a zip code check on sex offenders in your area and it will sicken you.

I heard on Bill Oreilly the other day about a web site that teaches people "how to lure kids, etcc" - this kind of nonsense has got to stop.

Jerry Clark
04-29-2005, 9:38 AM
I think about the terror and the things these innocent little people go through before they can no longer breathe. Then they are always talking about the criminal's right to a fair trial-- after what they have done?? That is the system!It would hard to NOT take the matters into your own hands.