View Full Version : Wine glasses

thomas prusak
01-04-2013, 8:37 AM
Snake wood, if I'm not mistaken. Made these to give as a Christmas gift for friends of mine that are not married. I thought maybe the ring would make them think about getting married.

Jim Burr
01-04-2013, 10:32 AM
Beautiful Thomas!! How did you do the bowls...CSUSA or cut and glue? Did these years ago and and you've got me thinking again! Is snake wood prone to cracking over time...seems I've heard that, or maybe it was the wind?

thomas prusak
01-04-2013, 1:25 PM
Hey Jim,
using advice from another creeker, I bought the glasses for about $1.00 each and cut them. I'm not familiar enough with Snake wood to answer the cracking issue it may have. I did find out that finish doesn't like to dry on Snakewood! WOP took about 4 days to dry under some heat. I.e. a light bulb. I'm assuming the oil in the wood caused the drying problem?

Bernie Weishapl
01-04-2013, 2:59 PM
Those are beauties. Really well done.

jared herbert
01-04-2013, 8:30 PM
HOw do you cut the stem off of a wine glass? Score the stem with a file and then snap it off? Just wondering, I have a bunch of them to make and have to either buy or cut the glasses.

Kathy Marshall
01-04-2013, 9:40 PM
Those turned out really nice Thomas!

Jared, one way to cut the stems off is to heat the stem at a the point where you want it to break, then dunk it (just the stem) in some cold water. Be carefull not to heat it too much. When you dunk it in water it will crack and just a little tap will separate it. If you heat it to much, the stem will shatter when you dunk it and may break too far up the stem. It doesn't need to be ice cold water, just cold from the faucet has worked for me

thomas prusak
01-04-2013, 10:58 PM
just score the stem with an inexpensive glass cutter and snap the stem off. I bought a case of twelve glasses at TJ Maxx for around $12.00.

Eric Gourieux
01-04-2013, 11:15 PM
Those turned out really nice.

Snakewood is notorious for splitting when drilling (for a pen tube) and turning, but I'm not sure about splitting after they are turned. It's beautiful wood, though. They have a high oil content, which would explain the finishing problem.