View Full Version : Nova g3 package at woodcraft?

Dan Masshardt
01-03-2013, 12:42 PM
Looking for first chuck for my old delta lathe. Looking at the nova g3.

Woodcraft has it on sale for $199 with 4 jaw sets. It will cost another $25 for the insert.

I can get the chuck alone with an insert for $125 on eBay new.

Is it worth getting all those jaws right away?

I want to turn a lot of spindle stuff and then some small / medium bowls.

Has anyone bought the set and wished they had saved the money and just bought the chuck?

Thanks very much!

John Keeton
01-03-2013, 12:58 PM
The package lists (1) 35mm Spigot Jaws, (1) 35mm Bowl Jaws, (1) Step Jaws, (1) 20mm Mini.

Although it doesn't state so, I imagine the package also comes with the 50mm (2") jaws. I think you will find the spigot jaws, the step jaws and the 20mm jaws useful. Not so sure about the 35mm jaws, although if you decide to use a recess, on a smaller bowl they would probably be handy.

On the other hand, you can probably do without all of the accessory jaws if you are going to do mostly spindle turnings and small/medium bowls.

BTW, I once bought this package just for the jaws and sold the chuck!

Ralph Lindberg
01-03-2013, 1:15 PM
IMO, both the step jaw styles that Teknatool makes are not worth the steel it takes to make them. The "internal" set on the G3 offer, would require a very deep recess to use the larger diameter steps. The (larger) "external" jaws limit your shape, if you use the smaller diameter.

We have a 20mm mini and a 35mm spigot and find them both useful. I'm not certain how useful the 35mm bowl jaws would be. Bare in mind that Teknatool specs the sizes by the external size of the jaw set, due to the fact they very the thickness of the metal between jaw types, the inside clamping diameter can be very inconsistant.

Dan Masshardt
01-03-2013, 1:27 PM
Hmm...so maybe buy the set and if one or two of the jaws are not useful to me, sell them in here.

If I am going to buy two of these st some point, might as well buy the set, as far as $ is concerned.

Too bad they don't let you choose which jaws you want!

Roger Chandler
01-03-2013, 2:25 PM
That is a good package deal! I wanted another chuck for one of my Christmas goodies, and I noticed that CSUSA had raised their price to over $200, and WC had a couple of deals........two of which were the SN2 with the 4 jaws mentioned and the regular SN2 package for $169.......they also had the G3 package you mentioned.

I have numerous jaw sets and I did not have two of the sets in the package which I had been wanting......the 35mm spigot jaws and the soft jaws.........I jumped on that deal........I really like the 35mm spigot jaws........perfect size for small tenon, finial blanks and other such items.........I think I am nearly through buying chucks now!

The packages do come with the standard 50mm jaws as one of the jaw sets.

Ralph Lindberg
01-03-2013, 5:59 PM
Some other places to consider
Teknatool has a US sales web-site, all they actually sell is refurbished and closeout items (http://novatoolsusa.com/), but they have good prices. A G3 (with 50mm usually) for $80 and a SN-2 for $100 (with 50mm but needing an insert)

One of the Canadian distributors sells on eBay (Woodworker-Specialties, Bob Gadd), they sell various Nova packages, and will even do custom ones. I have found their prices to bet any other North American selling, on packages (chuck, multiple jaws, extra screws, etc)

Dan Masshardt
01-03-2013, 6:40 PM
I don't see any stock at technatool, no good deals at craft supply and only the $125 chuck/ insert deal on ebay.

I would be interested in those options if available.

I went to woodcraft to buy the set today but they didn't have any in stock.

I would ask for a used one in classifieds but I doubt too many people have extras...

Roger Chandler
01-03-2013, 7:00 PM
I was going to go the refurbished route myself when I bought mine, but Teknatool was out of stock.

Dan Masshardt
01-03-2013, 7:27 PM
Its 16$ to ship FedEx from WC so I could always go that route if my store doesn't restock

John Keeton
01-03-2013, 9:38 PM
Your local Woodcraft should be willing to order one in for you at no shipping cost.

Rodney Walker
01-03-2013, 10:20 PM
I bought the Nova G3 with the 50mm jaws, insert and screw. If I had it to do again I'd probably get the extra jaws. There are times when a different size would be handy.

Michael Mills
01-05-2013, 4:41 PM
Even though they show them on the chuck I would ask about the 50mm. I think they are probably not included. Other “sets” they have offered include the 50mm and three other sets of jaws and they call them four jaw sets also.
The set may be great for you, depend on what you plan on turning.
35mm spigot jaws Spigot jaws are sized by the interior not the exterior, this also applies to the 45mm spigot jaw set. Nice set of jaws
35mm bowl jaws. Almost the same spigot size as the 20mm Mini. The 35mm spigot jaws are 40mm exterior so it is really almost duplication there also.
20mm bowl. Grabbing small items are good but not sure about a recess.

JMHO but I think you may be happier in the long run with the new G3 from Amazon or the bay for $125 all inclusive with the 50mm jaws. With the cost of the insert and shipping you will have $100+ left.

For small stuff I would suggest the Pin Jaws. Allows it to be used as a pin chuck and all function of the 25mm bowl jaws. Usually about $50 on Amazon. Very close to spigot size of the 20mm bowl, the same spigot size as the 35mm bowl, and very close to same expansion as the 20mm jaws and exactly the same as the 25mm bowl.

A set seldom talked about is the 70mm. Usually $35 from Amazon or Rockler. I really like these compared to the 75mm bowl. The 75mm bowl jaws have a spigot size almost the same as the 50mm so no gain there. The 70mm has a much larger spigot.
You should be able to pick up another set of your choice also.

Roger Chandler
01-05-2013, 5:58 PM
The 50mm jaws ARE included!

Ralph Lindberg
01-05-2013, 9:03 PM
PS, never buy the 50mm jaws, check around, odds are some of your friends have extras they will -give- you. I've given away two sets and think I still have two spares.

Matt Newton
01-06-2013, 9:29 AM
I just bought the set on sale at WC. The 50mm jaws are not part of that sale set. If you buy just the G3, the 50mm comes with it. I have 2 SN2 and wanted a smaller body and more jaw sets.

Dan Masshardt
01-06-2013, 1:10 PM
Thanks everyone. I actually ended up ordering the g3 with insert on amazon for $125 and the pin jaws for $44. I'm sure ill get more jaws later but I'm going to see what else I actually want / need as time goes by.