View Full Version : Belated Wood Gloat

Martin Shupe
04-28-2005, 12:45 AM
Here is a pic of some nice wood I got from our very own Scott Banbury at Midtown Logging & Lumber in Memphis, TN. Scott's website is www.scottbanbury.com, and he mills lumber from storm damaged trees in the Memphis area.

The pic is of eastern red cedar, also known as aromatic cedar, which I bought for the bottom of blanket chests and dust panels between drawers. I think there is also one piece of 8/4 cherry in there as well. If you have shopped for ERC, you know how hard it is to find clear boards. These boards are really nice, and I can't wait to use them in a project.

I had a pleasant and interesting conversation with Scott, and I will visit him again in June when I drive to Memphis for simulator training.

Jeff Sudmeier
04-28-2005, 8:37 AM
Congrats on the haul! Finding clear ARC in those widths and thicknesses is about impossible!

Kelly C. Hanna
04-28-2005, 10:06 AM
Those are goreous Martin! I love ERC....I'd build a whole house of it if I could. If you ever go to Fredricksburg, TX, check out Wildseed Farms....built completely of ERC and most of it was clear!

Here's a pick of the giant pergola between the two buildings...

Jim Becker
04-28-2005, 1:49 PM
Those are really nice looking boards, Martin!! Even better than your description when we got together not long ago...nice inventory to have!