View Full Version : Jointer Push Stick

Rick Fisher
01-02-2013, 9:44 PM
I built a new Jointer push stick specifically for large and wide boards. I have a thin plastic one which works for small stuff, but really was insufficient for large boards.. After completing it, it occurred to me that I should have asked for examples first..

Anyway .. lets have a post showing Jointer push sticks..


This one is Sapelli so I made the back kinda boat like .. Handle is a Rockler plastic handle.. It occurred to me that I should get a wooden handle from LV and make a really sweet one.. :rolleyes:

Ole Anderson
01-03-2013, 9:00 AM
Very nice. How does that one work? It seems like with the handle at the front, it would tend to lift the rear cleat off the work. It almost looks like the handle is on backwards. Or is the pusher just sitting on the work in the opposite direction you would use it. Ah, I think that is it.

Prashun Patel
01-03-2013, 9:05 AM
Nice! I wish I had the patience to make one. I end up using my tablesaw push block which is a tad narrow and tall (it's a 2x4 with a cleat on the back.)

If anyone has a jointer push block that helps properly register to the fence (for making square edges) I'd love to see it. That operation is the tricky one for me.

Richard Coers
01-03-2013, 12:14 PM
The way I was taught to use a jointer, there is really limited use for a push block. I was taught that once the board is on the outfeed table, no pressure should be near the infeed table at all. To use a push block with a hook on it, you may have a tendency to end up putting down pressure back on the infeed. Then you open yourself up to not having a flat board. I only use foam covered blocks. Real pretty though!

Bruce Wrenn
01-03-2013, 9:32 PM
Use the Rockler handle as a pattern, and make your own. I made a template so anytime I need another handle, I can quickly band saw one out.

Thomas Canfield
01-03-2013, 9:53 PM
That almost looks too pretty to use - looks like it ought to be put in a display case. I think that a board with a hook works better than the foam boards that have a tendency to slip and can require considerable downward force to be able to push the board forward.

Rick Fisher
01-03-2013, 10:12 PM
The plastic Rockler handle needs to go ..

I was thinking that we should have a competition for the most beautiful jointer push stick .. I would like to build another and think I can do better ... lol

I may build a handle out of black walnut, using that plastic one as a template, as suggested above.

Rich Riddle
01-04-2013, 7:40 AM

Homemade and not as beautiful as yours but quite useful.