View Full Version : small hollow vessel in desert oak

neil mackay
01-01-2013, 8:50 PM
Small hollow vessel made from Desert Oak [Acacia Coriacea Sericophylla] for more info try here http://www.ttit.id.au/treepages/desertoak.htm

4.5" high x 4.0" dia showing the sap wood around the major diameter. This timber takes a fine polish with either oil or wax and is a joy to turn.

Part of the Christmas range I have been doing, a bit late but the shed is in the middle of a revamp as well. Plus I/We are baby sitting three grandchildren made it kinda hard to achieve anything.

If it looks a little lop sided is an optical illusion as it runs true to less than a 1/16th, just one of those things with the camera :)

Dennis Ford
01-01-2013, 8:55 PM
Very pretty piece; the fluting combined with the fine form makes this a winner.

Steve Schlumpf
01-01-2013, 9:08 PM
Beautiful work Hughie! You sure have that carving stuff down well! Really like the contrast between woods!

Have fun babysitting! We always enjoy it but appreciate the quiet when they go to sleep!!

Baxter Smith
01-01-2013, 9:49 PM
Great spirals and the contrast in colors is neat!

Richard Madden
01-01-2013, 11:22 PM
Excellent job, Hughie. I love the contrast and the carving!

Michelle Rich
01-02-2013, 6:29 AM
the color variation is quite striking & the fluting is top notch.

Allan Ferguson
01-02-2013, 8:19 AM
It is a beautiful piece to be proud of having made. In agreement with the responses above.

Michael James
01-02-2013, 9:45 AM
WOW, that is beautiful! Nuff said....

Bernie Weishapl
01-02-2013, 11:12 AM
Really nice piece. Wood contrast and fluting really sets it off.

Scott Hackler
01-02-2013, 2:55 PM
Really like this one Hughie. The sapwood looks expecially nice on top of all the ridges!

Kathy Marshall
01-02-2013, 8:41 PM
Beautiful piece Hughie! Beautiful wood, great job on the fluting and the sapwood accent sets it off nicely!