View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments.....New Years Eve

Dennis Peacock
12-31-2012, 9:00 AM
31 Dec 2012

Good Morning and welcome to the last day of 2012.

I'm sure that there are many things that each of us could share with each other about the things we learned in 2012 and if you are like me, family is one of those areas where it's been the hardest of all. Hey, nobody said that we'd each come with our own owner's manual and instruction booklet. :)

Just came off of oncall duty this morning. I'm ready to be off of oncall duty as well. :)

No woodworking for me, but I do have a bowl on the lathe that I need to finish up and I need to make about 12 cutting boards for family and friends.

Happy New Year to each of you and may 2013 bring each of you good health, prosperity, good family, and happiness.

What did YOU do this past weekend? New Years plans?

Best of weeks to you all.

Jamie Lynch
12-31-2012, 9:13 AM
I spent the Christmas gift cards on OSB and insulation for the shop. Hopefully I can continue hanging it today and tomorrow.

Matt Meiser
12-31-2012, 10:18 AM
Mostly visiting family except for a group of visitors to the shop to play with the Festool toys yesterday afternoon. Expecting two groups of family today but I'm hoping to steal a couple hours in the shop today to work on a project for out there. Trying to decide whether to do the brakes on my truck tomorrow or do a woodworking project. The brakes could wait and its awefully cold out.

Rich Engelhardt
12-31-2012, 10:43 AM
My mother in law is making BBQ'ed spare ribs for us to eat tonight.
She'll be making enough to feed four third world countries - or - me, my wife and my sister in law ;).
My wife is sick with the flu and my sister in law has other plans,,,,,,,

This could be round II of the "glutton derby".

Round I was Christmas Day when my sister in law made a 23 lb turkey to feed a dozen people for dinner @ 5.
Turned out that of the dozen, three were sick and the others had gotten a late start at lunch and didn't eat until 3:30...
I had nearly 23 lbs of turkey all to myself. :D

Jay Rasmussen
12-31-2012, 11:18 AM
New Year’s Eve for us:
Happy hour, steak & lobster on the grill and a movie. All at home.

Happy new year to all of you! :D

Shawn Pixley
12-31-2012, 1:03 PM
The weekend was pretty low key here. I have been off for a week (although "on call") and have another week to go. Saturday after a dog park run. I hid from the wind and practiced hand cut dovetails in the shop. I use offcut scraps to try to keep shop clutter down. They turned out well enough that I will make them into a box. I still overcut sometimes when sawing. I also put another coat of finish on my cabinet. It takes 24 - 48 hours to dry.

SWMBO and I went to a movie last night, "The Life Of Pi." I'd heartedly roccommend it.

Gregory King
12-31-2012, 3:35 PM
Rich, some good humor. Wish I could help out with a few of those BQ ribs. My wife and I have been off work since Dec. 21. Back on this Wednesday. Very nice break indeed. New Year's Eve at my brother in law's for cards and small snacks. Still digging out from two heavy snowstorms in three days. Should be enough to keep the winter enthusiasts happy now. Cold here for the next week. I want to get the new motor in my General planer wired very soon. Greg

Alan Bienlein
12-31-2012, 3:53 PM
Started on this this weekend for my daughter out of reclaimed wood. Will continue on it tonight to ring in the new year.

Jim Becker
12-31-2012, 10:26 PM
I actually was in the shop for a bit this weekend doing some additional cleaning in preparation for starting my kitchen table project...it will be a sturdy Shaker style base design that will support a soapstone top that matches our counters.

The 'rents are here for the holidays and my brother managed to come down for New Years. Sadly, our older daughter had to return to the RTF she's currently a resident at on Saturday, but was here to celebrate the Christmas holiday at least. Back to work on Wednesday!

May 2013 be a great year for everyone!

J.R. Rutter
12-31-2012, 10:34 PM
Made a coffee table for my wife. Here's a gallery link: http://imgur.com/a/2QRLn

Joe Mioux
01-01-2013, 2:47 AM
Got back into wood over the past couple weekends. I have been away too long. Ordered new tool from bob Marino today.

Bruce Page
01-01-2013, 2:50 AM
Joe, it's good to see you back. What did you order?

Kim Gibbens
01-01-2013, 11:20 AM
Joe, is that a MC240 in your avatar? Looks good with STs. Maybe someday for mine.

Joe Mioux
01-01-2013, 12:21 PM
Hi Bruce, I have a ts55 circular saw on order and an extra 55 inch guide. This past Sunday, I was fighting a 4x8 sheet of of MDO. I figured a new saw will make breaking down sheets a lot easier. And yes, i have been away from the creek way too long. Just yesterday I was looking at your Bessey clamp rack drawings that you faxed me years ago. It brought back good memories of a fun project..... even though I made my in wood vs your Aluminum version. :)

Hi Kim, That Avatar is a McIntosh mc275 50th anniversary limited edtion (only 275) tube power amp. I bought it Dec 2011, but still don't have it hooked up. In November 2012 I took bought a new McIntosh C2300 tube preamp. I am building a really nice 2channel audio system. Earlier I upgraded my turn table Rega P5. Next are new speakers.

Dan Gill
01-01-2013, 12:24 PM
Getting ready to prime the crib. Here's a pic: 249825

Jim Becker
01-01-2013, 12:31 PM
Ordered new tool from bob Marino today.
Nice!!!! I'm sure you'll thoroughly enjoy whatever you bought, too! :D

Dan Gill
01-01-2013, 2:21 PM
Alan, you've done a beautiful job on the grain in that piece. Well done.

Mike Heidrick
01-01-2013, 5:10 PM
Working on cnc router 3d printer extruder and starting another 3d printer stand alone Ord Bot machine and today broke out the "32 horse open sleigh". Happy New Year.



Mike Wilkins
01-02-2013, 10:11 AM
John Deere makes sled pullers? Happy New Year and Happy Sawing. Due to a superstitious wife, had the customary greens and black eyed peas on New Years day. Good Southern eating. Then made my way to the shop to plane some Walnut and Maple for a cheval mirror project.

Matt Meiser
01-02-2013, 10:28 AM
Yeah, but you don't want to know what he paid for iMatch compatible sleds!