View Full Version : Gouge sharpening videos

John Keeton
12-29-2012, 8:22 PM
I was perusing the D-Way site (http://www.d-waytools.com/) (dangerous thing to do!;)) and noticed that Dave has put up some sharpening videos. He covers some of the common mistakes, and also uses the Wolverine setup with the CBN wheel so folks that haven't bought those much needed toys can get an idea of how they perform. This might be some good info for some of the turners just starting out.

No financial interest, except for the fact that I have left a bit of cash with Dave over the past couple of years!

Roger Chandler
12-29-2012, 8:46 PM
Thanks for the link and heads up John!

Bob Bergstrom
12-29-2012, 10:01 PM
Your not alone John. Money well spent on great products.

Bernie Weishapl
12-29-2012, 10:25 PM
Best money I have spent.

Rodney Walker
12-30-2012, 12:57 AM
Thanks for the link. Looks like I've been sharpening my spindle gouge with too short of a tip. I'll be re-shaping the profile tomorrow.

Faust M. Ruggiero
12-30-2012, 8:43 PM
I feel like I know how to sharpen gouges pretty well but I looked at the videos you mentioned because "I probably don't know what I don't know". As long as I've used Oneway's sharpening jig, I never realized that the leg angle is really only effective near the tip of the tool and that the distance of the jig pocket from the wheel takes over from there. Dave removes a lot more material on the sides of the tool than I do. Now I can't wait to go out there and experiment with changing the distance of the jig pocket from the wheel. Aside from being a talented turner and grass roots genius, Dave has such a nice way about him his videos are fun to watch and always informative. I really hope I get a chance to spend some time with him some day. I probably wouldn't have found this video had you not begun this thread. Thanks and Happy New Year.

Greg Just
12-30-2012, 9:02 PM
Thanks John - I found the videos very interesting seeing I just watched Kirk DeHeers DVD on sharpening. There are some things they do differently, but like a lot of things related to turning, there are many ways to do the same thing. Good information from both.

Ralph Lindberg
12-30-2012, 11:16 PM
Dave explains sharpening, perhaps differently then others, but I think very clearly.
Last spring he did a mini-rotation (at our club meeting) on sharpening, including showing people how to fix the issues in their personal tools (we were asked to bring in our chisels). To show how to setup the Oneway jig he showed how the Raptor Gauge sets that Oneway arm at the correct distance.
A couple of the club members gouges were, ah... interesting (as in how do they get anything done without catches)

Since I have both the Raptor gauges and the blocks that Kirk suggests in his video (and article in the AAW Journal) it is my opinion that both set the arm the same distance. Since both want you to set the leg at the same angle, you get similar results.

If you notice the wood block on the bottom of the Oneway jig, that is the block he uses when he is sharping freehand.

Ricc Havens
12-31-2012, 9:28 AM
All I could find on his site were the two videos on installing the wheel and sharpening the beading tools and installing the CBN wheel. couldn't find the one with the wolverine set up. do you have a direct link?


Ralph Lindberg
12-31-2012, 10:42 AM


Ralph Lindberg
12-31-2012, 10:52 AM
Dave's Bowls
In the handle video Dave talks a bit about the bowls on the table, if I have my timing right, the Madrone wood for those arrived about a week before they shot those videos.
I picked my current load up at the same time, I've just started processing it two days ago....

allen thunem
12-31-2012, 11:11 AM
is it just me or did i miss how far "the stick out is"
damn you john now i have to call DAVE FOR MORE STUFF

Ralph Lindberg
12-31-2012, 11:23 AM
is it just me or did i miss how far "the stick out is"
damn you john now i have to call DAVE FOR MORE STUFF

Ha, you ought to try living near Dave, belonging to the same club and having him show up, with his NEWEST toy ideas....

Pat Scott
12-31-2012, 12:58 PM
All I could find on his site were the two videos on installing the wheel and sharpening the beading tools and installing the CBN wheel. couldn't find the one with the wolverine set up. do you have a direct link?


Ricc just scroll down to the bottom of the D-Way home page.

Ricc Havens
12-31-2012, 1:09 PM
Ricc just scroll down to the bottom of the D-Way home page.

Thanks, Missed them there at the bottom. I was looking at his list of links on the right side of the page and they aren't listed there.


Rich Aldrich
12-31-2012, 2:51 PM
Thanks for the Link John. I went through all of the videos. As usual, I found something I have to have....the VariGrind jig...not sure if I should get the original or VG2

John Keeton
12-31-2012, 4:18 PM
Rich, I think you will find the majority of folks prefer the original, but you may like the safety features of the Vari-grind II.

Steve Schlumpf
12-31-2012, 6:12 PM
Rich - I have the original VariGrind and find no reason to upgrade/change. Stop in any time and check it out.

Dave Bunge
12-31-2012, 7:31 PM
is it just me or did i miss how far "the stick out is"
damn you john now i have to call DAVE FOR MORE STUFF

I also noticed that the stick out distance was not mentioned in the video. I emailed Dave and he said "2 inches".