View Full Version : PSI pocket corkscrew kit

Scott Woodson
12-29-2012, 4:49 PM
Going to give this one to friends as a gift, but noticed a slight quality issue with this kit. When the tube is inserted into the corkscrew (making a "T") there is a fine burr on the inside of the hole and if you apply too much pressure the wooden tube is easily scratched. Its a shame as this one looked pretty good once I assembled it. Barrel is a few left over pieces of Mahogany and Black Walnut.

Jim Burr
12-29-2012, 5:45 PM
That works Scott!! But with this style...how do you fix the friction fit on the handle and the slide on the tube issue? The handle, with use, takes a beating. Any idea's on how to keep it handsome?

Scott Woodson
01-02-2013, 10:14 AM

Not yet, I gave this one to a couple friends who love wine and waiting to see the results of a couple months of use. I'm thinking of putting some type of plastic inside the hole so the wood on the tube, with it's CA finish, will be plastic on plastic and last longer without marring the finish too badly. I'll report back if I figure something out.


Tom Wilson66
01-02-2013, 8:01 PM
If you have a burr on the inside of the hole, could you use a dremel tool to remove the burr, and buff it smooth? Could even do the smoothing by hand, just take a little longer. Think that might be easier than putting a plastic insert in the opening.

Scott Woodson
01-02-2013, 8:18 PM

Started to smooth the burr, but wound up taking off too much of the plating and the contrast between the gold and the metal underneath started to show. If the manufacturer smoothed the hole before plating it would be a much better product, but I think the mass production and cost will probably prevent that from happening.
