View Full Version : Gallery?

Peter Blair
12-28-2012, 6:53 PM
I have located a local galley that is interested in representing me and my art.
This would seem to be GREAT news but, and there is a BUT, I am told that if I choose to make an arrangement with this gallery I will no longer be able to sell to the public, but could apparently sell through other galleries.
Sooo, my question is:
Is this standard for gallery representation?

Fred Perreault
12-28-2012, 7:01 PM
I have never heard of that, but that doesn't mean much. Around here the galleries, and there are many, mark the items up so much that they don't move very often. All we are doing here on the Cape is dressing the gallery up for the owner. In 3 years I sold about 20 items at 3 galleries, while I sold at least 400 items at one day craft shows, and by word of mouth. This year I have sold nearly 300 items such as bowls, platters, plates, and cutting boards, and I rarely buy wood. I consider myself very fortunate and I haven't used galleries for 2 years.

Leo Van Der Loo
12-28-2012, 7:12 PM
Not standard in my experience Peter, though the exclusion of any other gallery or place in a certain radius is a more common arrangement, of course you can hold out and continue to sell to the public, or at least tell them so, what I have done with some galleries is that any clients they send to my place where I sell a piece to, is that they than still get their commission, as they can understand that I have more choices than what they have room for or are willing to display, and that has worked for me.

Of course you could agree to go along with this for now, send your clients to them and then see how good they do, just put a provision in the contract that either side can break the contract if the arrangement is found unsatisfactory, so you can get out whenever you want, or change the contract.

Steve Schlumpf
12-28-2012, 8:22 PM
My experience is the same as Leo's in that you are restricted as to which galleries you can sell through - usually you have to be outside a certain radius - but I have not heard of a clause preventing you from selling to the public. That seems kind of silly... but is something worth talking to the gallery about. I have heard of different turners (pro types) that sell their work at the same price as the gallery such that they don't undercut that gallery. Makes sense.. but never heard of the no sales to the public thing... It's worth checking out!

Bernie Weishapl
12-28-2012, 9:47 PM
I have never heard of that either. IMHO if that is what they want I sure wouldn't put my stuff in there. I would definitely talk with them and get that cleared up. I am in two galleries and they tell me that if I sell at craft fairs or out of my shop to sell at the same price they are and don't under cut them.

Ken Glass
12-28-2012, 11:12 PM
I have never heard of that before. If I were to sign a contract like that, I would want some volume of sales figure added to prevent you from losing if they don't produce sales for you. Some contracts I have previously signed usually have a mileage or distance clause. As an example, in the down town area of our capital, where I have a contract with a Gallery, I am prohibited from selling or showing with-in two (2) miles of that Gallery. This keeps sales at that Gallery up and prevents to much exposure.

Jay Jolliffe
12-29-2012, 4:23 AM
It's done in the art world. My wife was showing at a gallery & they didn't want her to show with someone else within a hundred mile radius...also if you sold a piece of your work yourself that was at the gallery they would still get the same percentage as if the gallery sold it.

neil mackay
12-29-2012, 6:41 AM
The only restriction I have had is a 90 day no sale through any other galleries nearby.

Michelle Rich
12-29-2012, 6:42 AM
NO..it's odd.

George Guadiane
12-29-2012, 7:53 AM
I think of this as a partnership. Before I would agree to anythng, even if I LIKED the deal (and I'm not crazy about this one), I'd have some questions:
WHY do they have this policy?
Is it absolute or are there exceptions?
How far from the gallery?
How long have they been in business?
How good is their location?
How many different artists do they currently represent?
How long have the artists been with them?
How many have they "stopped representing" (lost) since they opened for business and why?
How good is the quality of the artists and art they represent?
Can they provide you with a list of other galleries that have a similar policy so that you CAN put your work in other places?
By eliminating your ability to sell, THEY become your cash flow - does agreeing to their terms come along with a guaranteed sales volume?

The restriction sounds "unfriendly," and you said "represent" you, not buy from you, so they get a HUGE guarantee from you. What do you get in return?

In the end, by the time you fill in the blanks, I'm betting you won't use them - OR, more to the point, let them use you.

Nathan Hawkes
12-29-2012, 10:44 AM
It's not unheard of for galleries to ask you to not sell to the general public at a reduced rate from what they could buy at their gallery. They are giving up valuable retail space in their business to you, and, sounds like they want you there. I don't think they could ask you to completely stop selling to the public--the suggestions of a referral commission is good--Mostly it sounds like they are trying to promote sales through the gallery--if people know they can get them from you at a lower cost, they won't ever go to the gallery. But, the gallery has important exposure to a much larger number of buyers.

You have to ask yourself how many bowls you're selling, if you're enjoying making all of them, and if you want to be selling more. It's also very common for galleries to ask that you aren't selling at other galleries in the immediate area. 30-50% Commission is also standard depending on your area. Again, you have to ask yourself if it's worth it. Will your work sell at a price that is both fair and desireable to a retail consumer, and profitable for you as an artisan. When you're selling in galleries, (or to craft fairs, word of mouth, whatever) you want to work in a manner that is most efficient to time management for maximum profitability. Don't turn into an assembly line or anything, but make sure you're making your time worthwhile--you can end up working for peanuts if you're not careful!

Peter Blair
12-29-2012, 10:45 AM
Once again, Creeker's are the best.
Much of what has been said here is why I posed the question to begin with, just didn't sound like something I want to get involved in.
Now I have a great list of questions to ask when next I speak with this gallery.
Thanks everyone!!

Jay Jolliffe
12-29-2012, 11:42 AM
Art gallery's are a lot different than craft gallery's. How about some take 60 percent & you get 40...yes that's true also