View Full Version : The Laugh is on Me

Tom Winship
12-28-2012, 6:25 PM
Since starting to do segmented turning about a year ago, I have discovered probably 50 reasons why a segmented ring might not fit up tight. Today I discoverd a new one.
I was making a 12 segment ring about 8 1/2" in diameter and was test fitting it. I had 2 or 3 places where there was a significant gap on the outer edge of several joints. Being confident in my jig and technique, I kept trying to get it to go together without success. I verified measurments including the included angle and then tried to fit it up again.
Finally, after all else had failed, I decided to count the segments.............DUH!!! (11 segments will fit better than I would have imagined if the ring is large.)

Tony De Masi
12-28-2012, 6:34 PM
We may as well laugh at ourselves first before the rest of the gang jumps on board......

Brian Brown
12-28-2012, 7:14 PM
OK. Time for true confessions. I did the same thing once a few years ago. It really made me mad, because all of the rest of the rings fit so good, and the cutting setup didn't change. I couldn't imagine what I did, until I finally counted the segments. One had fallen on the floor, and I didn't see it. After my little anger management test run I was too lazy to look for the offending segment under the workbench. I always make one extra segment for each ring, just in case of a bad cut, or ugliness, so I just grabbed it, and let the other rot awhile under the workbench, to give it time to think about what it had done. Unless it sneaked off to join an outlaw biker gang, it's is still there. I'll show it.

Kathy Marshall
12-28-2012, 9:40 PM
Hope you found the missing link Tom! :D

Bernie Weishapl
12-28-2012, 9:50 PM
Tom I did the same thing on a Urn a few months ago. Wasn't until the next day I figured it out by counting the segments. So no laughing from me.

Harry Robinette
12-28-2012, 9:57 PM
Ha Ha Ha :D:D:D I don't do segments so I can Laugh.

Michelle Rich
12-29-2012, 6:47 AM
it's a segmenter's laugh thing! only 50 reasons? keep segmenting & you'll find more!! :-)

Tom Winship
12-29-2012, 8:47 AM
it's a segmenter's laugh thing! only 50 reasons? keep segmenting & you'll find more!! :-)

I really think there could be hundreds.

Bob Coates
12-29-2012, 5:17 PM
I always count just in case one got away.