View Full Version : Is it safe to buy a Delta 18-900L

Stephen Saar
12-28-2012, 4:22 PM
I need a drill press and after reading on the forums for awhile it appears that the Delta 18-900L is the general consensus pick for the high end DP without getting in to the multi-thousand range. So I wanted to buy it, but I read a few posts about Delta having business issues, and no where in Atlanta seems to be selling much Delta anymore (Rockler, Woodcraft, Highland). Amazon is still selling it, but it has a 1-3 month wait time, which doesn't make me feel all warm and fuzzy. My question is: Does it seem prudent to continue on with the Delta, or would I be better off finding something else (Rikon, PM, etc....) since Delta seems to be having difficultly?


Thomas Hotchkin
12-28-2012, 5:46 PM
Go look for a used Powermatic 1150A drill press on Craigslist. Great drill press. I think there one for sale in your area. Tom


Richard Coers
12-28-2012, 6:24 PM
I've only had trouble getting a rebate check, but it finally showed up after a couple comments on their Facebook page. There has been a lot of parts availability posts, so I would also be concerned. Talk to those dealers and voice your concerns. I'm having trouble with a Rigid service issue, seems like our future with world sourced tools.