View Full Version : Disassembly of Emmert Vise Clone Hinge

Kevin Ladenheim
12-28-2012, 11:03 AM

I recently installed an imported Emmert Vise clone on my new bench. There is slop in one half of the hinge that mounts to
the bench. I'd like to take the hinge apart. Has anyone done that? It looks like a single hinge pin is used but it is actually
two hinge pins. If the center of the hinge is drilled through then I can knock both pins into the center, take it apart and knock the
pins out.

If the hinge isn't drilled through all the way then it could be a disaster to try taking this thing apart. Any thoughts?



Larry Fox
12-28-2012, 2:00 PM
No experience with the clones but could you drive both pins all the way through the hinge from one side. I am not sure I am envisioning what you are talking about properly but I am recalling the hinges on the Emmerts I have and that is how I would initially look to attack it until another way presented itself. A picture might help.

Kevin Ladenheim
12-28-2012, 2:33 PM
No experience with the clones but could you drive both pins all the way through the hinge from one side. I am not sure I am envisioning what you are talking about properly but I am recalling the hinges on the Emmerts I have and that is how I would initially look to attack it until another way presented itself. A picture might help.

Thanks for the reply. So real Emmerts are drilled all the way through then?

That's the question - is the entire hinge drilled all the way through? If no one has any experience with it I'll have to drill some small holes and see if I hit air or not.

This pic shows a real Emmert where the author fabricated the part of the hing that mounts to the bench. The part of the hinge that is part of the rear jaw is the
part I'm worried about being drilled all the way through.


Kevin Ladenheim
12-29-2012, 12:52 AM
Looks like the answer is on this drawing, the hole doesn't go all the way through. Each side is bored 20 mm deep and the pins are longer than 25 mm. So the only thing I could see working is drilling and tapping the center of the pins and pulling them which might be a challenge.


Todd Burch
12-29-2012, 8:02 AM
Are your pins proud like in the picture?

After you take it apart, what is your plan to tighten it up?

I had to replace the hinge plate on one of my Emmerts as it got broken. So, taking it off was easy - it basically fell off after breaking. However, the replacement I ordered from Kerfoot was poorly machined and the holes that were drilled in the plate were offset, causing the hinge plate to not lay flush. :( Never did go back to him for a proper replacement. That vise is laying in the corner, a project still in-process, for a few years now.

Kevin Ladenheim
12-29-2012, 1:31 PM
The pins are delivered flush. One of mine is lower from tapping it in thinking it was one long pin. I think I'm going to have to leave it
alone but my idea had been to drill and tap into places for setscrews and then drop some brass rod in the hole for the setscrew to push
against thus applying pressure to the pin. But I don't see a way to get it apart. I think a pin loose enough to tap in will be loose enough to
spin if I try to drill and tap. I guess it's just a one way assembly.