View Full Version : Woodwork Magazine Website

Jack Hogoboom
04-27-2005, 9:53 AM
Anyone happen to know the URL for Woodwork Magazine's new website?


Jim Becker
04-27-2005, 9:55 AM

Jack Hogoboom
04-27-2005, 9:58 AM
Thank you sir for your usual prompt reply. I was trying to renew my subscription on-line but I see they are still mired in the 20th century. Guess I'll just have to mail a check. :rolleyes:


Brad Olson
04-27-2005, 12:45 PM
Their website is brand new (under 5 weeks old) suposedly online sub management is coming soon

Rob Blaustein
04-27-2005, 2:05 PM
Is this a good mag? I haven't seen it before and was wondering how it compared to FWW, Pop Woodworking or Wood.

Rick Lizek
04-27-2005, 3:34 PM
You'll have to check it out at a Barnes and Noble in your area. I was a former charter subscriber to FWW and WoodWork is the only wood mag I buy now. All my other woodmags are free professional trade journals. I like the "art" aspect of WoodWork and they profile some of the most interesting people in the studio furniture world like Kristina Madsen (she's doing some of the most innovative things with veneer these days), Gary Knox Bennet, Wendell Castle, Tom Loeser, John Cederquist, Tom Mcnab, Wendy Maruyama, etc. Interestingly enough they have profiled a number of well establihed women woodwworkers but probably unknown to most folks. I think it's the most interesting woodworking magazine out there but I don't think it would appeal to as many folks as the other magazines would.

Brad Olson
04-27-2005, 5:21 PM
Is this a good mag? I haven't seen it before and was wondering how it compared to FWW, Pop Woodworking or Wood.

Better IMHO.

If you are a beginner the other mags are pretty good, but i get tired of each mag doing the ultimate router jig each month.

Woodwork focuses its attention on the craft, primarily very high end custom woodcraft. It gives me lost of inspiration.

FWW, is going the way of wood magazine, unfortunately. Wood magazine has its place and so did FWW, what I don't need is two carbon copy magazines. I know the hobbiest woodworker may be happier with FWW becoming more hobbiest friendly, but I am not sure if I want to continue subscribing to FWW given that it is twice the cost of Wood and they largely have the same content.

Yes I am a hobbiest, but I like to see the thought process that the pros use to design and build their pieces. I don't need to know 25 woodoworking secrets every month (sponsored by the companies product on display)

Chuck Nickerson
04-28-2005, 1:30 AM
The photos of artistically advanced work inspires my ideas.The articles on handtool work are also excellent; particularly the early issues. I have managed to accumulate a complete set.