View Full Version : Shop-Made Thien Pre-Separator

Jason Hanko
12-23-2012, 8:23 PM
Hi All,

Just thought Id post some pictures of the preseparator with Thien-baffle I recently finished. Ive got mine on a 30(ish?) gallon cardboard drum. I picked up the fittings from a Peachtree sale a while back cant find the product on their site now, altho I think the Rockler screw-together-style version (http://www.rockler.com/product.cfm?page=25225&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=&utm_content=pla&utm_campaign=PLA&gclid=COXAwO7psbQCFehDMgodWGYAlQ) might be easier to install than this one, which uses through nuts/bolts.

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I routed a groove in the top-lid to fit the diameter of the barrel's lip, and laid down a bead of caulk to make a nice seal. The lower-lid is the same as the inner diameter of the barrel, with the prerequisite slot cut out per Phil's directions (http://www.cgallery.com/jpthien/cy.htm).

The setup works great - Id estimate that better than 95% of the sawdust goes into the barrel instead of the DC bag. I do wish I had a window to see how full the barrel is getting, but the thien baffle is pretty forgiving and you can let the barrel get quite full before it starts losing efficiency.

I also have a thien seperator built into the body of the DC itself (in the green ring), although I think that may be redundant at this point. Any experts out there think it would be worth taking the separator out of the DC unit? I know these cut down on airflow/efficiency, and Im starting with a Harbor Freight unit which is a a bit light on power to begin with...