View Full Version : Last bowl #3 for the sisters and a dirt shop

Harry Robinette
12-21-2012, 5:56 PM
Well the last one is on the lathe turned power sanded and first oiling done.Tomorrow I'll re-sand oil again work on something else awhile then about 3 or 4 hours I'll re-sand and oil again.Sunday afternoon I sand and oil then remove from lathe let dry a couple hours then hand sand to complete oil again then when dry buff and the 3 Sister will be done and by Christmas. Wow these bowls have kicked my lower hind quarter I might have to take a day off. ;)
My shop does get dirty.:eek:

Brian Brown
12-21-2012, 8:27 PM
So all these years, I have been working on my technique and still no success, and in your post I stumble across the answer to my problems. It's not my bad turning technique, poor choice of tools or wood. It's because I don't tuck my tools in at night under a nice warm quilt. I'm sure that must be my problem. Well, tonight that's going to change by golly, and by tomotrrow, I'll be a master turner. I am sure of it. :D The question is, do you read them a bedtime story as well?

I can't see the 3rd bowl here, but if it is as nice as the other two, it is beautiful. Your sisters will love them.

Eric Gourieux
12-21-2012, 11:45 PM
I like all the shavings and the vintage table cloths as well.

Bernie Weishapl
12-22-2012, 8:32 PM
Shoot that's not dirty Harry.

Brian you didn't know every night you tuck the lathe in and then tuck your tools in?:D

Thomas Canfield
12-22-2012, 8:57 PM
The table covers do add some color to the shop. Have you ever considered shower curtains to build you a small turning center or just drop the majority of shavings? Here is my shower curtain solution that drops 95%+ of shavings to area to be swept up: http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?186812-Lathe-Shower-Curtain-Booth&highlight= I do sweep up the area at end of my shop time and often will remove a couple of 55 gal trash bags full from one session of roughing out bowls, but my other shop surfaces stay relatively clean.

Harry Robinette
12-22-2012, 9:42 PM
I really don't like the curtain system I get way to hot inside them. Tried it a couple years ago and couldn't hardly breath. I also have to have air circulation for my lung problem.
These table cloths do a pretty fair job of keeping things to a point it's not to crazy to clean-up.

Steve Schlumpf
12-23-2012, 10:15 AM
I can see by the floor that you had a lot of fun! Looking forward to seeing the bowl once completed!