View Full Version : Vacuum Chuck questions

Thomas Heck
12-20-2012, 7:09 PM
I have a nova 1624 lathe and am interested in building a vacuum chuck. Would this pump, Vacuum Pump - Rietschle Thomas 3.15 CFM 120 VAC be a good choice? I don't have a handwheel. Does anyone have one on a 1624 and what is the easiest/best setup. I've never worked with a vacuum pump. Thanks,

David Gilbert
12-20-2012, 7:38 PM
I looked up your pump and it appears that it should work. I bought and really like a vacuum adapter from JT Turning Tools. They sell an adapter for Nova lathes (http://www.jtturningtools.com/nova-adapters) that appears to have a hand wheel as an option. The JT connector makes hooking the vacuum up to your lathe as easy as could be.


Thomas Heck
12-20-2012, 8:04 PM
I pretty new to turning. With this wheel and adapter, would you still be able to use your knock out bar to remove your live drive. Thanks for the reply.

Peter Fabricius
12-20-2012, 9:29 PM
Hi Thomas;
You will not be able to use the knock out bar while the Vacuum connector is attached. But then, why would you want to since you will have a Vacuum Chuck attached to the spindle.
I will have an Instruction Document available soon on this site for you to make your own Vac Chuck Bodies using Silicone Seals that I make.
Enjoy the journey to Vac Chucking, you will like the finished set up. If you are in a hurry for the instructions please PM me with your email address.
We will be away for Christmas but I will respond as soon as I can.
Peter F.

Thomas Heck
12-20-2012, 9:47 PM
Thanks, I sent you a PM. I guess what I'm asking is can the connector be removed so you can still use your live center.

Pat Scott
12-21-2012, 8:36 AM
Thomas the adapter from JT Turning Tools is a press fit into the headstock. It has a couple of rubber washers to provide a seal. No tools required, just push it in and pull it out when you're done. Check out the link posted above, there is a lot of good info on his website. I have his adapter for my 3520.

Thom Sturgill
12-21-2012, 8:48 AM
Thomas, I don't have the nova, so this is just from JTs site. You need the 'left hand wheel' part on the nova. This is apparently included on newer models but was an add-on on older models. JT makes a hand wheel that attaches to this part and looks to have the same size hole in the center. It appears to seal to the nova part with an O-ring and screws and the vacuum adapter inserts into the wheel and seals with two o-rings (no screws, just a press fit) . It appears that whether you can still use the knock-out bar would depend on its length.

Thomas Heck
12-21-2012, 10:29 AM
Thanks for the help and info. Hopefully I'll get it all figured out before long.

Larry Marley
12-21-2012, 4:46 PM

I just made my own with a scrap piece of cocobolo and a sealed bearing and barbed fitting from the hardware store. I turned the brass fitting on my lathe held in a Jacobs chuck using a scraper. epoxied the fitting into the bearing and then the bearing into the cocobolo. The one shown is for my Laguna Revo mini lathe, I also made one for my Powermatic.
Works great and it's pretty (important)