View Full Version : How long are refill kits good for ?

Clarence Martin
12-18-2012, 12:21 PM
Sorted through some pen turning kits I got from Jet Tools about 10 years ago and most are still in the package, never opened. Those refill kits that were never opened , but are 10 or so years old, is the ink still good in them ?

Has anyone used the Jet pen turning kits ?

Dan Hintz
12-18-2012, 1:56 PM
I didn't realize Jet sold pen kits... sounds odd, as they're a machine manufacturer. Anyway, the refills should still be good if they were capped and kept in a temp-controlled environment.

Jim Burr
12-18-2012, 2:38 PM
Open one up and have a lash at it.

Chuck Stone
12-28-2012, 5:04 PM
I didn't realize Jet sold pen kits... sounds odd, as they're a machine manufacturer. Anyway, the refills should still be good if they were capped and kept in a temp-controlled environment.

Yep.. I've got some old Jet branded ti gold slimline kits. The refills had a little wax plug on the end, so
they should be OK. Then again, I've never sold a pen with stock refills.. they suck. When I first started
making pens I used one for a few months. I worked out of my truck and kept notes on index cards, they
filled the front seat, the dash, the vents.. all of the inks faded within a couple of months. By the one year
mark even the ones kept in the dark had faded to unreadability.