View Full Version : Swinging door(s) hinge

cal lidderdale
12-17-2012, 10:00 PM
I need to make/install a pair of swinging doors - (2x) 18"w x 36"h (for 36x36) - think Longbranch Saloon |----)(----| . I'm wondering if there is a better way than using double action spring loaded hinges. These doors shouldn't weight much, few pounds. One thought I've had is "L" screws/bolts top and bottom with the top one out say 1/2" more than the bottom and matching magnets where the doors meet. Anyone else been down this road?


cal lidderdale
12-17-2012, 10:21 PM
Never mind - one of those ask and answer your own question (duh) $6.60/pr - although the top hinge is upside down????

scott vroom
12-17-2012, 10:32 PM
+1 what Cal said. I've found the low-cost hinge set pictured to be the best solution for lightweight residential saloon doors, bar none pardner!