View Full Version : Millers Falls Chuck conundrum

Adrian Ponik
12-17-2012, 2:14 PM

I recently won a MF #5 hand drill on the bay, and when I opened the box I was puzzled. I think the chuck is missing the jaws.

Here is a few pictures of the disassembled chuck:


The piece on the left is what the threaded shaft of the drill actually threads into, and it is clear all the way though. There is nothing for the shaft to push on to close the jaws. I feel like the jaws should be located in the 3 cuts on the picture on the right. I have never seen a MF chuck like this before, although the only experience I have is with the one on my #2 which has the little disk that pushes on the 3 jaws. This chuck is substantially smaller than the chuck on the #2. Just for comparison, the chuck that came off the #5 on the left, my #2s chuck on the right.


If anyone can shed some light on this I would much appreciate it, namely what parts I'm missing, and if anyone has any ideas where I could find them. Also if this is a "typical" chuck design for the #5. Thanks!


Archie England
12-17-2012, 3:33 PM
George, at George's Basement (http://www.georgesbasement.com/) is the place to visit for all things of braces and hand drills. Mr. George is one heck-of-a-nice fellow! If he can help, he will; and, he probably knows exactly what you've got.

Joe Bailey
12-17-2012, 7:00 PM
It would appear you have part of a McCoy springless chuck -- as you have surmised, you are missing the jaws. see here:

Erik Manchester
12-17-2012, 9:00 PM

Send me a PM with your address and I will send you a complete chuck.

Mark Godlesky
12-19-2012, 1:13 AM
That is why I love this place! Not only do you get great information and (mostly) civil discourse, but generous offers like Erik's. What a wonderful community.