View Full Version : Power Switch Location on Delta DJ20 Front Panel

Brian Tanner
12-15-2012, 12:53 PM
I bought a Delta DJ20 a couple years ago but it was missing the front panel where the switch is normally located on those models (1987 Delta Invicta). I finally got around to ordering a panel for it but found that the Delta suppliers no longer carry the front panel and were back ordered on the rear panels so I ended up ordering a panel from the clone Grizzly model where they do not distinguish between front and rear panels since their power switch is mounted differently (above and to the rear of the infeed table).

Short story long... I am going to move the old back panel to the front and put the new panel in the back where I can procrastinate painting it to match the rest of the machine until 2017 when I finally find the time. So I need to make a cutout in the panel for the electrical box and switch. Does anyone happen to have a DJ20 which has the switch mounted on the front panel and wouldn't mind throwing a tape measure on it to give me the box location? I know I could just arbitrarily stick it anywhere and it would probably be just fine, but I am kinda anal that way that I would like to get it in the proper spot. Anyway, if anyone wouldn't mind getting that I would much appreciate it.

Bruce Kohl
12-15-2012, 1:28 PM
Pictures would sure help - and besides, we love picures.

Clay Fails
12-15-2012, 4:40 PM
247980247981The switch is 6.5 inches from the right edge of the panel.hope this helps.