View Full Version : Bosch 1617evs failure

Paul Coffin
12-15-2012, 12:12 AM
Hi, I own a Bosch 1617evs router that is about five years old and has only seen occasional hobby use. Today I turned it on and it worked fine for about 10 seconds under no loade, then the speed started to vary and slow down on its own and simultaneously I experienced the distinct smeel of something electrical burning. Has this happened to anyone else? if so were you able to fix the router? I am thinking mine is toast. Thanks for the help. Paul

Chris Rosenberger
12-15-2012, 12:45 AM
It sounds like you need the speed control. Part number 1607233136.

Here is a link to one dealer.


Gene Waara
12-17-2012, 1:20 PM
I had problems with my 1617 over the weekend. The router would not turn on. I removed the cover from the housing and sawdust fell out. When I googled the problem, there were several comments about dust getting into the switch and causing it to fail. This was especially true if the router was upside down in a table (like mine). The solution was to blow out the dust with a compressor which I did. Works fine for now. Perhaps you ahve the same problem with the speed control?