View Full Version : Advise on an old English Walnut

carl zietz
12-14-2012, 5:10 PM
In the process of prepping to build my new house, I am going to have to take down an old english walnut. it is about 46 inches in dia 1 foot up from the ground, and has the typicla walnut umbrella shape with limbs up to 14 -16 inches in dia. when the time comes, how do I make the most of the wood?

Carl Zietz

Bill White
12-14-2012, 5:19 PM
Resaw, sticker, and wait.

Kevin Bourque
12-14-2012, 5:23 PM
I'm doing the exact same thing right now with a 300 year old white oak. I haven't decided if I want to make slabs out of it with a chainsaw mill, or get it cut into quarters on a chainsaw mill and then have a band saw mill quartersaw it.

Joe Angrisani
12-14-2012, 7:43 PM
Man how I wish we had more than Ponderosa Pines and Englemann Spruce. With the exception of a real bagel, about the only thing I wish Colorado had that it doesn't is hardwoods.

Enjoy that walnut, Carl....

Paul Murphy
12-15-2012, 9:40 AM
Resaw, sticker, and wait.

+1 The flatter you stack and sticker, the better your results after the waiting.

Buy some sealer ahead of felling, and apply to the ends of your logs that same day. The sealer is waxy and the resaw will slice right through it without issue, and does a pretty good job of minimizing end splits in the log and boards.