View Full Version : Bandsaw Base

Richard Jones
12-14-2012, 9:44 AM
I have an 18" Rikon and left the shipping blocking attached at the bottom, since I liked the extra height that it offered. Through the years, it's gotten a bit floppy, so I need to upgrade the feet. Was thinking of just cutting some 6x6 oak blocks and set the saw on those. The base has about 1 1/2" "hollow" base.

Anyone done anything similar? Pictures? I don't need it to be portable.


Thom Sturgill
12-14-2012, 10:12 AM
I have the Craftsman which is almost identical to the next size smaller Rikon. I needed to be able to move it so I have wheels on the back and feet on the front with one of those lever-activated rollers to lift it off the feet. Unfortunately, the feet have become detached and I no longer need to be able to move it so I will be interested in wheatever you come up with.

Mike Peace
12-14-2012, 5:07 PM
I have a friend that just put his big Laguna on a shipping pallet. I just got the 18" Rikon and I can see why yours got floppy. The original skids look like they are made of sawdust and shavings mixed with glue. I guess you would call it low density fiberboard.

Harry Robinette
12-14-2012, 8:02 PM
Mike I'm with you on the low density fiberboard...
Richard my 18"Rikon is on a moble base now was on 6 x 6 blocks running across the front and back like a skid and they were in side that little hollow worked well till my shop had to go mobile from over crowding.

doug faist
12-14-2012, 9:54 PM
Richard - I've had my Laguna TSS on 6" oak blocks since I brought it home six years ago. It's a great height for me and still solid as a rock

Paul Symchych
12-14-2012, 11:15 PM
My bandsaw is on a 'bought' mobile base but my shaper lives on the original shipping pallet to which 4 inch wheels were added for mobility.

Richard Jones
12-19-2012, 9:44 AM
As a follow up, I've left the LDF (!) base as is, since I figured that the saw would still be a bit tippy regardless of what I did to the feet. I would up tying the top back to a boxed-out duct chase. No there is no movement.

Pics if anyone is interested.

Thanks for the replies.