View Full Version : Help "Stop" Breast Cancer!

Jerry Lawrence
12-12-2012, 2:21 AM
Ok, sorry for the pun. I know the ribbon shape isn't exactly right, but I thought it still came out pretty good for a first try. Pink ivory wood on maple. Thanks for looking!

Allan Ferguson
12-12-2012, 9:14 AM
That is pretty good and inventive.

Joe Bradshaw
12-12-2012, 9:43 AM
Very good. A little more on your process please. My brain is completely worn out from thinking about/making Christmas presents. Bottle stoppers are so much fun. much

Steve Schlumpf
12-12-2012, 1:59 PM
Hey - that's pretty cool! Love the imagination!!

Harry Robinette
12-12-2012, 8:19 PM
And we all say kids have the great imagination. That looks good to me.

Doug W Swanson
12-12-2012, 8:49 PM
That's a neat idea. Tell us how you did it!

Jerry Lawrence
12-13-2012, 1:21 AM
Thanks for all the comments guys!
The proccess was very simple actually, mostly because if I can't figure out a fairly simple way to do something, well, chances are it will have to wait. For this stopper, I just sandwiched a piece of maple between two pieces of pink ivory wood (so the ribbon shows from both sides of the stopper). When that dried I drew out the shape of the ribbon, then cut the notch out of the bottom and cut a piece of maple to fit the notch and glued that in. Then drilled the hole in the top part of the ribbon and turned a maple dowel to fill that with, adding a couple grooves in the center of the dowel to help the glue hold. Once all that dried, I cleaned it up a bit, and drilled and threaded the hole in the bottom of the blank for the stopper to be screwed into. Since I don't have a bottle stopper mandrel, I screwed a bolt into the hole, chucked it up and turned it to the shape you see here to give it the ribbon shape. Finished with just a buffing wax and polish.
Hope to make another one and refine the shape a little more, maybe make the 'legs' of the ribbon a little longer by making the notch a little taller. I'd like to make the hole in the top part of the ribbon more of an upside down teardrop shape, but I don't think I'm quite up to making that cut and trying to fill it tightly.
Practice, practice, practice, I suppose!

Scott Lux
12-13-2012, 11:08 AM
Good for you on working this out. I tried to do this last year and have nothing to show for my feeble attempts. Well done, and a nice piece.