View Full Version : Incra System Question

Andrew Kertesz
12-11-2012, 7:38 AM
Is there a system similar to the Incra system? I had my cart loaded yesterday and was going to pull the trigger this morning and there was $135.00 price increase in my cart. This was without doing anything on my end. Anybody have any experience with other systems?

Chris Rosenberger
12-11-2012, 7:48 AM
Which Incra system & where were you buying from?

Andrew Kertesz
12-11-2012, 8:16 AM
I had in my cart the Router Table option 3, the 27" x 43" table, with the 27" Super System, 1/32 scale and a plate for my Freud FT-3000. This was right on the Incra website.

Peter Kuhlman
12-11-2012, 9:12 AM
Taylor - Incra runs weekly or so specials and you may have selected an item that expired on the sale. Have you checked the systems from woodpeck.com? They are virtually indentical components. There really are no other brands competing as Jointech went out of business. Incra/Woodpecker stuff is well worth the money to me and works as claimed. Some times you can purchase the component items of your package cheaper individually like through CarbideProcessors.com who I have used often.

Craig Behnke
12-11-2012, 5:07 PM
I second what Peter said.
i have purchased a few incra products, if you are on their e-mailing list you get some nice discount offers on a pretty regular basis. i've waited for sales and picked up things when they're 5-15% discounted.

One time I needed a large component and there was no sale at Incra, but I found it cheaper that what incra was selling it on "the bay". rarely do I grab tools there, but this time it worked out.

no regrets so far but there are limitations and strengths/weaknesses to every system, the trick is learning how to work around the weaknesses and maximize what you can do with what you have. i'm still learning to do that part.