View Full Version : Finally....A Few Chips on the Floor!

mike ash
12-11-2012, 12:52 AM
I've been on the road for the last 6 weeks so it was good to get into the shop and turn out a few bowls.

First 10.5" x 8" bowl is from white oak with walnut and holly for inlay ring.
Second is a 14"x7" natural edge silver maple
Third is a 10" x 7" solver maple with "various scrap hardwood" trim ring and purple heart collar.
Fourth is a 10" x 5" silver maple with Bacote and holly collar

C&C's are always welcomed.

Bernie Weishapl
12-11-2012, 1:03 AM
Wow Mike you sure made up for lost time. All are beauties. I like them all but the last one really catches my eye.

Michelle Rich
12-11-2012, 5:53 AM
great assortment..like the "hybrid" segmentations

Steve Schlumpf
12-11-2012, 7:29 AM
Mike - glad to see you are getting in some turning time! Nice work and a variety of forms! I really like the NE Maple! Turning a piece that is twice as long as it is wide sure gives you something to show off when finished!

Nice work on everything!!

Tim Rinehart
12-11-2012, 7:50 AM
Nice set of pieces...you do make up for lost time!

Ken Glass
12-11-2012, 8:13 AM
I agree with Bernie, all are wonderful, but the last Silver maple with the spalting on the top half with the contrast on the collar is my favorite. Good to see you got some quality shop time. Well done.

Mike Cruz
12-11-2012, 3:37 PM
Mike, those are looking great! As much as I like that last one, I have to wonder if the rim is going to survive...since the grain direction of the rim ends up going across the grain direction of the rest of the bowl. The main part of the bowl may move, which could ruin that great ring (I really do like it!). Hope it stays stable!

mike ash
12-11-2012, 4:18 PM
Thanks for all the comments.

Dr Cruz makes an observation about the stability of the rim on the last one because grain direction. I hope that doesn't not turn out to be a problem, but if it does happen, I'll report back!!! I've done a few of these rims and they seem to have survived without any movement. Good grief......if the customer comes to my doorstep with a complaint, I may have to "nail" it back on!!!

Here's one that has survived out here in the humid left coast........


Mike Cruz
12-11-2012, 4:37 PM
HA! And Keller went to school for all those years longer than I did, and I get to get called Dr. just like him!!!!!!

Hey, Mike. I wasn't saying they WOULD fail, just hoping that they don't... May have a lot to do with how dry the wood (the bottome part) is when you are turning it. If that is stable, you probably will have much better luck. BTW, I like this piece, too! Can we get a side shot of that? (Or do you see too much light through the glue joints? :D :D) Seriously, I'd like to see the side.

mike ash
12-11-2012, 5:04 PM
Dr. Cruz - I posted photos of this bowl way back. You can find a side view here (took the photos before light started showing through the glue joints!!!)


Mike Cruz
12-11-2012, 6:10 PM
Cool. That is a pretty piece! Hey, don't you have some other maple stuff that you should be showing pics of?

mike ash
12-11-2012, 6:13 PM
I do have some Ambrosa Maple I got from Maryland that I need to finish turn!!! Do you hae any more of that wood?

Nate Davey
12-11-2012, 7:49 PM
And back with a vengeance too. Beautiful collection of forms, Mike. My wife and I may be back in Portland for Christmas, I'll let you know!

mike ash
12-11-2012, 8:22 PM
Hey Nate! I'll await word on you being in the area. I'll buy you coffee and send you back to the SW with a piece of wood!

Baxter Smith
12-11-2012, 9:41 PM
Pretty work on all Mike!

Mike Cruz
12-11-2012, 10:10 PM
I do have some Ambrosa Maple I got from Maryland that I need to finish turn!!! Do you hae any more of that wood?

Do I have any more of that wood? Do I have any more of that wood? Ye of little faith... :rolleyes: OF COURSE! Have you gotten through your stash yet? ;)

Kathy Marshall
12-11-2012, 10:33 PM
Those all look great Mike! I'd have to say that the 1st is my favorite, love the form and the detail ring around the top!

mike ash
12-11-2012, 11:43 PM
That Ambrosia Maple was some beautiful wood....loved the color and it's great to work with. I ought to know, I had you send me 4 blanks and then was so impressed, I ordered 4 more. The 12.5" x 12.5" x 5" flat rate boxes worked out perfect. When the dust settles around here, I'm calling for some more!!

Mike Cruz
12-12-2012, 9:02 AM
Well, I don't recall seeing any pics of roughouts or finished product. But I suppose they'll be coming...